I was given Arturo Alva Moreno.
Arturo was 47 years old, who originally came here from Mexico City, Mexico. He was an employee at Windows on the World, located on the 106th floor of WTC 1.
Although little is known about Arturo, as I spent time searching the internet, I discovered that Arturo has a daughter. As recently as October 2003, his daughter, Laura, was still looking for information regarding her father’s disappearance on September 11th.
So many loved ones continued for years, looking for information on their missing family members. Many family members had no bodies to bury and no way to bring closure to the nightmare of September 11.
By March of 2004, Laura had resigned herself to the fact that her father was gone and she wrote this special message in Spanish to her father. I have had it translated to English:
Dad never I will forget you. Always I will have you in my heart. Thanks for which you taught me and gave me in life. I will continue the example that gave me, to fight against all and against all, to do well, Master. And since the sky take care of and protect me, guide me for good road and never abandon me, these in the sky as an angel. God be with you blessed Dad.
It is possible that Arturo Alva Moreno was not in the United States legally. Even so, as I stared at this picture of Arturo, I see how proudly he stands in his stars and stripes hat.

On that day, Arturo died a victim of the worst terrorist attack in history on American soil. He died as a proud Mexican in America, with many proud Americans surrounding him.
Rest in peace, Arturo Alva Moreno. (Descanse en la paz, Arturo Alva Moreno)
To his daughter Laura, I pray that God will comfort you. ( A su hija Laura, yo oro que Dios le aliviará.) None of America will ever forget your father, Arturo Alva Moreno.
( Ninguna de América se olvidará jamás a su padre, Arturo Alva Moreno)
To read the tributes to all 2996 victims of September 11th, click on this link.
I'd like to thank you for this and for all the other tributes to the victims of 9/11. I didn't know Arturo nor any of the other victims but I feel very sad right now... people from all over the world died... all working for a better life for them and their familys.
Arturo estará siempre en nuestros corazones! Acabo de saber de ti, pero no te olvidaré!
Hello. I saw your link on the main site. I posted the link to my tributee there as well.
You did a very good job with the limited info you had.
Very touching.
I was especailly moved by the way you point out the fact that he may have been an illegal alien, but he is pictured proudly in an "Uncle Sam hat".
I just saw your blog and it's beautiful, that'' one that my father was not legal in the United States, in any way to be remembered in the same way, please remember, from heaven he will thank you in the same way, became a beautiful angel whom I love with all my heart and I've been on my mind all those beautiful memories that I leave in my childhood, a big kiss from here to heaven beautiful Daddy, you love your daughter Ariadne Alva Laura Carrillo
Te Amo Papito hermoso y me has hecho mucha falta : (
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