Not only will we be pontooning around lovely Silver Lake, but check out the extra incentives that have been added.
Congressman Paul Ryan will be joining us. Get there early- he is not staying all afternoon!
During to the very hot weather- the Silver Lake Marina has invited us into the air conditioned Marina if things get overheated!
We will be joined by additional candidates:
Jean Hundertmark for Lt. Governor
Jeff Kehl for Kenosha County Treasurer
Brenda Maurer Witthun for Clerk of Courts
JB Van Hollen for Attorney General
Bring your own swimming suit, sunscreen, a side dish to pass and join the Republican Party of Kenosha County at this year's GOP picnic.
We will provide the hot dogs, hamburgers, fixings and soda.
Here are the details- click on the photo to enlarge

You want me to bring my swimsuit? I thought you wanted people to come.
How far is Kenosha from Waupun anyway? :) And IF I come, Mel Gibson couldn't talk me into putting on a swimsuit... sorry! Ain't happening! :)
Other expected VIP's expected to attend -- the next mascot for the First Distict GOP- Buckley the Shi Tzu.
Can we get the Brewers Chorizo or is it too late???
This was one of the best events I have been to. Major case in point. Lots of people running for office and NOT ONE SPEACH. How cool is that??? A few on Kathy's list did NOT show. A few not on the list did show such as PAUL BUCHER and Family.
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