Monday, February 26, 2007

Documents suggest complicity by Doyle administration

The question on whether or not the Department of Transportation purposely delayed the release of a report is no longer an issue.

The Department of Transportation did delay the release of a report. They were fined $500.

Now- the question is now whether or not the Doyle administration was complicit with this action.


Investigative records raise questions about whether Gov. Jim Doyle's administration delayed the release of a report in apparent violation of the state's open records law so a second report could be written to give Doyle political cover.

I am not sure how the Doyle administration can continue to lie about their complicity.

The Department of Transportation's April 2004 finding that state workers cost less than contractors conflicted with Doyle's goal of cutting state payrolls. The engineers union asked for the report repeatedly - first orally, then in writing - starting in August 2004. The union did not receive it until November 2004.

When the report was released to the union, the Journal Sentinel and others, it was paired with the Department of Administration's rebuttal report. No one who asked for the DOT study knew of or asked for the administration report.

The Journal Sentinel made its open records request to the Department of Transportation, but the two reports were ultimately released by the governor's office.

For Pete's sake- the open records request was made to the DOT. The DOT never actually released the information. The governor's office was the one to finally release the information. Of course, the governor's office released the information with a rebuttal attached.

The answer to the question on whether or not the administration was complicit in the release of the documents, seems to be obvious to me.

Of course the administration was complicit. They were the ones to finally release the information to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

How is it possible that the administration continues to deny they were involved with this?

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