Democrats Reject Key 9/11 Panel Suggestion
It was a solemn pledge, repeated by Democratic leaders and candidates over and over: If elected to the majority in Congress, Democrats would implement all of the recommendations of the bipartisan commission that examined the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
But with control of Congress now secured, Democratic leaders have decided for now against implementing the one measure that would affect them most directly: a wholesale reorganization of Congress to improve oversight and funding of the nation's intelligence agencies. Instead, Democratic leaders may create a panel to look at the issue and produce recommendations, according to congressional aides and lawmakers.
Because plans for implementing the commission's recommendations are still fluid, Democratic officials would not speak for the record. But aides on the House and Senate appropriations, armed services and intelligence committees confirmed this week that a reorganization of Congress would not be part of the package of homeland-security changes up for passage in the "first 100 hours" of the Democratic Congress.
So what's up next on the Democrats agenda?
Tax increases, perhaps?
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Drug testing for Chess Players?
Hat tip Kevin at Lakeshore Laments
Okay now this is funny-
Chess’ world governing body will introduce dope testing at the Asian Games this week, although the sport’s top official in Doha said he had no idea how drugs could enhance chess performance.
“I would not know which drug could possibly help a chess player to improve his game,” competition manager Yousuf Ahmad Ali said.
“But, yes, there will be official monitors who may demand that players undergo a drugs test after the rounds.”
Drug testing is the latest move by the World Chess Federation (FIDE) to raise international standards in the hope of making chess an Olympic sport in the future.
Along with triathlon, chess is making its debut at the Asian Games, where more than 60 players will compete for the medals.
Among them are ex-world champions Rustam Kasimdzhanov of Uzbekistan and Zhu Chen, a former Chinese international who has switched nationality to represent hosts Qatar.
The Asian Games take place from Dec.1-15.
Okay now this is funny-
Chess’ world governing body will introduce dope testing at the Asian Games this week, although the sport’s top official in Doha said he had no idea how drugs could enhance chess performance.
“I would not know which drug could possibly help a chess player to improve his game,” competition manager Yousuf Ahmad Ali said.
“But, yes, there will be official monitors who may demand that players undergo a drugs test after the rounds.”
Drug testing is the latest move by the World Chess Federation (FIDE) to raise international standards in the hope of making chess an Olympic sport in the future.
Along with triathlon, chess is making its debut at the Asian Games, where more than 60 players will compete for the medals.
Among them are ex-world champions Rustam Kasimdzhanov of Uzbekistan and Zhu Chen, a former Chinese international who has switched nationality to represent hosts Qatar.
The Asian Games take place from Dec.1-15.
The State Elections Board's reputation?
The State Elections Board has now chosen to worry about it's reputation.
They did not seem to be the least bit concerned about their reputation a couple of months ago as they were helping Jim Doyle get reelected.
Worried about its public image and dogged by complaints that political "hacks" serve on it, the State Elections Board took the first step Wednesday to develop new public disclosure and conflict-of-interest rules.
On a unanimous vote, the board created a subcommittee to draft new policies that Executive Director Kevin Kennedy said are needed to assure the public that the board isn't "unfairly used" by whichever political party controls it at the time.
The subcommittee was created partly in response to the controversy over extensive lobbying of Democrats on the board by a lawyer for Gov. Jim Doyle's campaign before Aug. 30, when the board voted to punish the campaign of Doyle's Republican challenger, Mark Green.
Then, four Democrats and the Libertarian Party designee on the board ordered Green's campaign to get rid of $467,844 from political action committees not registered in Wisconsin. Two Republicans on the board voted against the order, which Green is fighting in the state Supreme Court.
The Journal Sentinel reported that Doyle campaign lawyer Mike Maistelman called, e-mailed and met with Democratic board members before the Aug. 30 vote, pushing them to act against Green's campaign. A state Republican Party official also contacted a GOP board member before the same vote, which occurred in Waukesha County.
Waukesha County District Attorney Paul Bucher said he believes four members of the board violated the state's open meetings law before the vote. He said an investigation into the possible violations is "pending," although he has not yet received an official complaint that would trigger the probe.
Elections Board members Wednesday also told the subcommittee to consider new rules that would require the disclosure of donations by individual board members to campaigns and candidates the board regulates and new standards on campaign fund raising or "other campaign-related work" by board members.
The Journal Sentinel reported last month that Chairman John Savage has donated $6,800 to Republican and other candidates regulated by the board since 1999, including a $1,000 donation to Green's campaign before the Aug. 30 vote. Democratic designees on the board have also contributed to candidates and campaigns, records show.
Seven of the board members are appointed by the governor and political party leaders, with the eighth seat going to a Libertarian Party designee. The ninth member is appointed by the chief justice of the state Supreme Court.
Board member Greg Paradise, a Republican appointee, said claims that only political "hacks" serve on the board have been made for decades. But the new controversies have brought a need to "help restore public confidence," he said.
Paradise; David Anstaett, who is the chief justice's appointee; and Libertarian Party designee Jacob Burns were named to the subcommittee. Because it did not get 10% of the vote for governor on Nov. 7, the Libertarian Party will lose its board seat on May 1.
The Elections Board is also fighting for its political life in the Capitol. Doyle and key legislators are again pushing a plan to combine it with the state Ethics Board. The new merged agency would have broader authority to investigate public officials and would be run by a non-partisan board.
I will have more on this later.
They did not seem to be the least bit concerned about their reputation a couple of months ago as they were helping Jim Doyle get reelected.
Worried about its public image and dogged by complaints that political "hacks" serve on it, the State Elections Board took the first step Wednesday to develop new public disclosure and conflict-of-interest rules.
On a unanimous vote, the board created a subcommittee to draft new policies that Executive Director Kevin Kennedy said are needed to assure the public that the board isn't "unfairly used" by whichever political party controls it at the time.
The subcommittee was created partly in response to the controversy over extensive lobbying of Democrats on the board by a lawyer for Gov. Jim Doyle's campaign before Aug. 30, when the board voted to punish the campaign of Doyle's Republican challenger, Mark Green.
Then, four Democrats and the Libertarian Party designee on the board ordered Green's campaign to get rid of $467,844 from political action committees not registered in Wisconsin. Two Republicans on the board voted against the order, which Green is fighting in the state Supreme Court.
The Journal Sentinel reported that Doyle campaign lawyer Mike Maistelman called, e-mailed and met with Democratic board members before the Aug. 30 vote, pushing them to act against Green's campaign. A state Republican Party official also contacted a GOP board member before the same vote, which occurred in Waukesha County.
Waukesha County District Attorney Paul Bucher said he believes four members of the board violated the state's open meetings law before the vote. He said an investigation into the possible violations is "pending," although he has not yet received an official complaint that would trigger the probe.
Elections Board members Wednesday also told the subcommittee to consider new rules that would require the disclosure of donations by individual board members to campaigns and candidates the board regulates and new standards on campaign fund raising or "other campaign-related work" by board members.
The Journal Sentinel reported last month that Chairman John Savage has donated $6,800 to Republican and other candidates regulated by the board since 1999, including a $1,000 donation to Green's campaign before the Aug. 30 vote. Democratic designees on the board have also contributed to candidates and campaigns, records show.
Seven of the board members are appointed by the governor and political party leaders, with the eighth seat going to a Libertarian Party designee. The ninth member is appointed by the chief justice of the state Supreme Court.
Board member Greg Paradise, a Republican appointee, said claims that only political "hacks" serve on the board have been made for decades. But the new controversies have brought a need to "help restore public confidence," he said.
Paradise; David Anstaett, who is the chief justice's appointee; and Libertarian Party designee Jacob Burns were named to the subcommittee. Because it did not get 10% of the vote for governor on Nov. 7, the Libertarian Party will lose its board seat on May 1.
The Elections Board is also fighting for its political life in the Capitol. Doyle and key legislators are again pushing a plan to combine it with the state Ethics Board. The new merged agency would have broader authority to investigate public officials and would be run by a non-partisan board.
I will have more on this later.
Snow, snow, snow
Currently, 1 inch of snow is predicted for today. Tonight, another 2-4 inches are predicted. Overnight, another 5-8 inches are predicted.
Total accumulation: 10-15 inches
We will see what actually happens.
Winter is here!
Total accumulation: 10-15 inches
We will see what actually happens.
Winter is here!
George Will is not impressed
Apparently, George Will is not impressed by new Senator elect Jim Webb.
When -- if ever -- Webb grows weary of admiring his new grandeur as a "leader'' who carefully calibrates the "symbolic things'' he does to convey messages, he might consider this: In a republic, people decline to be led by leaders who are insufferably full of themselves.
George Will lobbed a few zingers Jim Webb's way:
Based on Webb's behavior before being sworn in, one shudders to think what he will be like after that. He already has become what Washington did not need another of, a subtraction from the city's civility and clear speaking.
Here is the link to the article in it's entirity.
When -- if ever -- Webb grows weary of admiring his new grandeur as a "leader'' who carefully calibrates the "symbolic things'' he does to convey messages, he might consider this: In a republic, people decline to be led by leaders who are insufferably full of themselves.
George Will lobbed a few zingers Jim Webb's way:
Based on Webb's behavior before being sworn in, one shudders to think what he will be like after that. He already has become what Washington did not need another of, a subtraction from the city's civility and clear speaking.
Here is the link to the article in it's entirity.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
More Americans and Iraqis will die because of the New York Times
Well, the New York Times has gone and done it again.
Today, the New York Times leaked a classified memo between the President and NSA Head Stephen Hadley. In this memo, Stephen Hadley comments about his lack of confidence in the Iraqi PM.
So the meeting that was supposed to take place today that was supposed to help the new Iraqi government was postponed because of the leak from the New York Times.
President Bush's high-stakes summit with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was put off Wednesday after public disclosure of U.S. doubts about his capacity to control sectarian warfare. The White House said the two leaders would meet on Thursday.
This leak will emboldened the terrorists in Iraq.
This leak has undercut the new Iraqi government.
Even if the US actually wants to help the new Iraqi PM, the new PM has now been completely discredited by the New York Times leak.
So how many more American soldiers will die as a result? How many more Iraqis will die?
The New York Times is no longer a useless national newspaper, they are now a dangerous newspaper.
I hold the New York Times and it's editors responsible for more American and Iraqi deaths because they have emboldened the terrorists with this idiotic move.
Today, the New York Times leaked a classified memo between the President and NSA Head Stephen Hadley. In this memo, Stephen Hadley comments about his lack of confidence in the Iraqi PM.
So the meeting that was supposed to take place today that was supposed to help the new Iraqi government was postponed because of the leak from the New York Times.
President Bush's high-stakes summit with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was put off Wednesday after public disclosure of U.S. doubts about his capacity to control sectarian warfare. The White House said the two leaders would meet on Thursday.
This leak will emboldened the terrorists in Iraq.
This leak has undercut the new Iraqi government.
Even if the US actually wants to help the new Iraqi PM, the new PM has now been completely discredited by the New York Times leak.
So how many more American soldiers will die as a result? How many more Iraqis will die?
The New York Times is no longer a useless national newspaper, they are now a dangerous newspaper.
I hold the New York Times and it's editors responsible for more American and Iraqi deaths because they have emboldened the terrorists with this idiotic move.
Congratulations Sean Hackbarth!
Congratulations to Sean from The American Mind , he has had his 1,000,000 visitor to his website.
What an incredible milestone!
What an incredible milestone!
MJS creating their own issue
I am still amazed that the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel "created" their own news.
On Sunday, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel took issue with sick leave and the legislators. I commented on it-
I know that I am supposed to be outraged, but...
Today, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel can now pat itself on the back for forcing legislators to address this "horrifying outrage".
Legislators plan to examine sick leave
Let me issue this challenge to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Name one single solitary legislator, Republican or Democrat, who has ever taken their sick leave and turned it into insurance payments. Just name one!
So far there is zero evidence that any single legislator has ever used this so called "benefit".
Until I see evidence that the system is being abused by legislators, then it is awful hard to get worked up over this issue.
On Sunday, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel took issue with sick leave and the legislators. I commented on it-
I know that I am supposed to be outraged, but...
Today, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel can now pat itself on the back for forcing legislators to address this "horrifying outrage".
Legislators plan to examine sick leave
Let me issue this challenge to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Name one single solitary legislator, Republican or Democrat, who has ever taken their sick leave and turned it into insurance payments. Just name one!
So far there is zero evidence that any single legislator has ever used this so called "benefit".
Until I see evidence that the system is being abused by legislators, then it is awful hard to get worked up over this issue.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Drunk people do stupid stuff
Now this had to have hurt...
Driver Tries to Swallow Keys, Bites Cop
A Russian man whom police stopped for allegedly driving drunk tried to swallow his keys then bit an officer as the officer tried to retrieve them, a Russian news agency reported Tuesday.
The man, who was stopped overnight near Kemerovo, about 1,850 miles east of Moscow, admitted to police that he had drunk a half-liter of grain alcohol, RIA-Novosti reported, citing regional traffic spokeswoman Anna Kutonova.
As the police drew up the paperwork to confiscate the car, the man, identified only as a "Muscovite," put his keys in his mouth and tried to swallow them, the agency said.
One officer, fearing for the man's life, tried to retrieve the keys but the man bit him; only after donning gloves could the officer remove them, RIA-Novosti said. The man was charged with failing to follow police orders.
Kemerovo police officials could not be reached for comment late Tuesday.
I am not to sure it was real bright of the police officer to stick his hands in the mouth of a drunk man, either.
Driver Tries to Swallow Keys, Bites Cop
A Russian man whom police stopped for allegedly driving drunk tried to swallow his keys then bit an officer as the officer tried to retrieve them, a Russian news agency reported Tuesday.
The man, who was stopped overnight near Kemerovo, about 1,850 miles east of Moscow, admitted to police that he had drunk a half-liter of grain alcohol, RIA-Novosti reported, citing regional traffic spokeswoman Anna Kutonova.
As the police drew up the paperwork to confiscate the car, the man, identified only as a "Muscovite," put his keys in his mouth and tried to swallow them, the agency said.
One officer, fearing for the man's life, tried to retrieve the keys but the man bit him; only after donning gloves could the officer remove them, RIA-Novosti said. The man was charged with failing to follow police orders.
Kemerovo police officials could not be reached for comment late Tuesday.
I am not to sure it was real bright of the police officer to stick his hands in the mouth of a drunk man, either.
Who wants to see the price of gas go up in Wisconsin?
Who wants to see the price of gas go up in Wisconsin?
Why, the Democrats, of course!
Democrats are proposing that Wisconsin remove the sales tax exemptions from a whole bunch of items.
Sales tax exemptions come under scrutiny
We could literally see a tax increase of $3.9 billion.
With local governments pinched for cash and public schools tethered to the unpopular property tax, some officials are trying to win support for canceling some of the sales tax exemptions worth at least $3.9 billion a year.
Of course, the Democrats "theory" is that by doing this, they would eventually reduce property taxes.
So does anyone believe the Democrats will really reduce your property taxes?
We already pay a state mandated gas tax, the Democrats are proposing increasing the price by another 5% by eliminating the sales tax exemption.
Check out this list
Hat tip- Owen at Boots and Sabers
Why, the Democrats, of course!
Democrats are proposing that Wisconsin remove the sales tax exemptions from a whole bunch of items.
Sales tax exemptions come under scrutiny
We could literally see a tax increase of $3.9 billion.
With local governments pinched for cash and public schools tethered to the unpopular property tax, some officials are trying to win support for canceling some of the sales tax exemptions worth at least $3.9 billion a year.
Of course, the Democrats "theory" is that by doing this, they would eventually reduce property taxes.
So does anyone believe the Democrats will really reduce your property taxes?
We already pay a state mandated gas tax, the Democrats are proposing increasing the price by another 5% by eliminating the sales tax exemption.
Check out this list
Hat tip- Owen at Boots and Sabers
Democrats are probably not happy about this story..
Perhaps the President is actually only trying to protect us after all...
If there hadn't been so many leaks to the media, perhaps this would have happened sooner-
Oversight board briefed on NSA program
After a delay of more than a year, a government board appointed to guard Americans' privacy and civil liberties during the war on terror has been told the inner workings of the government's electronic eavesdropping program.
Members say they were impressed by the protections.
The briefing for the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board had been delayed because President Bush was concerned — after several press leaks — about widening the circle of people who knew the exact details of the secret eavesdropping program.
The board, created by Congress but appointed by Bush, focused on other classified work since it was named in spring 2005 but it continued to press for a formal briefing by the National Security Agency.
A breakthrough was reached in recent days and the five members were briefed by senior officials during Thanksgiving week.
Board members told the Associated Press they were impressed by the safeguards the government has built into the NSA's monitoring of phone calls and computer transmissions and wished the administration could tell the public more about them to ease distrust.
"If the American public, especially civil libertarians like myself, could be more informed about how careful the government is to protect our privacy while still protecting us from attacks, we'd be more reassured," said Lanny Davis, a former Clinton White House lawyer who is the board's lone liberal Democrat.
Davis said he believes the administration could tell the public more about the program's protections without compromising national security.
Alan Raul, a former Reagan White House lawyer and the board's vice chairman, said he too was impressed.
"We found there was a great appreciation inside government, both at the political and career levels, for protections on privacy and civil liberties," said Raul, author of a book of privacy and civil liberties. "In fact, I think the public may have an underappreciation for the degree of seriousness the government is giving these protections."
The board members are prohibited from discussing any specific protections or tactics because the NSA program remains classified.
If there hadn't been so many leaks to the media, perhaps this would have happened sooner-
Oversight board briefed on NSA program
After a delay of more than a year, a government board appointed to guard Americans' privacy and civil liberties during the war on terror has been told the inner workings of the government's electronic eavesdropping program.
Members say they were impressed by the protections.
The briefing for the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board had been delayed because President Bush was concerned — after several press leaks — about widening the circle of people who knew the exact details of the secret eavesdropping program.
The board, created by Congress but appointed by Bush, focused on other classified work since it was named in spring 2005 but it continued to press for a formal briefing by the National Security Agency.
A breakthrough was reached in recent days and the five members were briefed by senior officials during Thanksgiving week.
Board members told the Associated Press they were impressed by the safeguards the government has built into the NSA's monitoring of phone calls and computer transmissions and wished the administration could tell the public more about them to ease distrust.
"If the American public, especially civil libertarians like myself, could be more informed about how careful the government is to protect our privacy while still protecting us from attacks, we'd be more reassured," said Lanny Davis, a former Clinton White House lawyer who is the board's lone liberal Democrat.
Davis said he believes the administration could tell the public more about the program's protections without compromising national security.
Alan Raul, a former Reagan White House lawyer and the board's vice chairman, said he too was impressed.
"We found there was a great appreciation inside government, both at the political and career levels, for protections on privacy and civil liberties," said Raul, author of a book of privacy and civil liberties. "In fact, I think the public may have an underappreciation for the degree of seriousness the government is giving these protections."
The board members are prohibited from discussing any specific protections or tactics because the NSA program remains classified.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Who's watching Congress?
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is renewing it's call for the new Congress to get George Bush under control.
I am still looking for the answer to my previous question- "Who is watching Congress?"
I am still looking for the answer to my previous question- "Who is watching Congress?"
Sunday, November 26, 2006
I know that I am supposed to be outraged, but...
According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, this is what I should be outraged over-
State lawmakers accrue sick leave like regular state employees but don't have to claim it when they miss work, setting them up to cash in on a perk that for one lawmaker has surpassed $160,000.
In the past four years, only two lawmakers have claimed sick time.
The others took no leave for illness, though some of them missed legislative hearings and votes on bills because they were sick, the Journal Sentinel found. When lawmakers can't make it on days they are in session, leaders grant leave without question, but no one is forced to take a sick day for absences.
Like regular state employees, lawmakers can use unused sick leave when they retire to pay premiums on health insurance offered by the state. If all sitting lawmakers retired now, they would reap $3.2 million in health insurance funded by taxpayers.
"It's inexcusable for someone not to claim sick leave if they're not there for a (legislative) session day, particularly when they've said they're sick," said Jay Heck, executive director of government watchdog Common Cause in Wisconsin. "It's one of those things that makes people very suspicious of legislators."
The Journal Sentinel's findings come about a month after lawmakers heaped ire on the University of Wisconsin System when a legislative audit showed that almost 80% of professors last year claimed no sick leave.
Rep. Sheldon Wasserman (D-Milwaukee) drafted a bill in 2003 to end the perk, but no other lawmaker would sign on to it, he said. He opted not to introduce the bill after his colleagues bristled at the idea.
Lawmakers gave him "a very bipartisan, jaw-dropping stare" when he suggested it, Wasserman said.
"I think it's a perk the average citizen in this country doesn't get, and it should end. . . . Sick leave is for when you're sick," he said.
The lawmaker set to get the biggest benefit is Sen. Fred Risser (D-Madison), who qualifies for more than $160,000 that he can put toward buying health insurance when he leaves state service. He has been in the Legislature for 50 years and come January will be the longest-serving state legislator in the country.
In total, 22 lawmakers qualify for more than $50,000 each in sick leave benefits, state records show. All of their benefits will continue to climb until they leave office.
The longest-serving legislators benefit from a bonus program available to all employees. Those who work 15 years or longer are awarded extra hours that can be used to buy health insurance.
The bonus hours more than doubled the benefit for Risser and Sen. Mike Ellis (R-Neenah).
The Journal Sentinel received the sick leave balances for all lawmakers under the state's open records law. The newspaper then calculated the bonus hours available to long-serving legislators and converted the hours for all legislators into dollar values by using state formulas.
Risser was out of state on legislative business last week and did not return phone calls. Ellis said that he did not think he had ever claimed a sick day in 36 years in office and that he was unaware of the benefit. Ellis' benefit is about $104,000.
"I did not know any of this," he said. "I've never paid any attention. It seems to me that doesn't seem right. It seems to me, if you don't use it, you should lose it."
It is difficult to be outraged over a benefit that no lawmakers seems to know about.
Rep. Christine Sinicki (D-Milwaukee) said she didn't make it to the Capitol for about three months in early 2005 after her pelvis was shattered in a car accident. She said she didn't take sick leave for the absence because she was unaware of the program until the Journal Sentinel asked about sick leave under the state's open records law.
It is even more difficult to be outraged over a benefit that no lawmaker to date seems to have cashed in on. There is no evidence that anyone has ever made a claim to this benefit.
The solution to this problem seems to be rather simple. If a legislator calls in sick, then they have to use a sick day, period.
Problem solved!
State lawmakers accrue sick leave like regular state employees but don't have to claim it when they miss work, setting them up to cash in on a perk that for one lawmaker has surpassed $160,000.
In the past four years, only two lawmakers have claimed sick time.
The others took no leave for illness, though some of them missed legislative hearings and votes on bills because they were sick, the Journal Sentinel found. When lawmakers can't make it on days they are in session, leaders grant leave without question, but no one is forced to take a sick day for absences.
Like regular state employees, lawmakers can use unused sick leave when they retire to pay premiums on health insurance offered by the state. If all sitting lawmakers retired now, they would reap $3.2 million in health insurance funded by taxpayers.
"It's inexcusable for someone not to claim sick leave if they're not there for a (legislative) session day, particularly when they've said they're sick," said Jay Heck, executive director of government watchdog Common Cause in Wisconsin. "It's one of those things that makes people very suspicious of legislators."
The Journal Sentinel's findings come about a month after lawmakers heaped ire on the University of Wisconsin System when a legislative audit showed that almost 80% of professors last year claimed no sick leave.
Rep. Sheldon Wasserman (D-Milwaukee) drafted a bill in 2003 to end the perk, but no other lawmaker would sign on to it, he said. He opted not to introduce the bill after his colleagues bristled at the idea.
Lawmakers gave him "a very bipartisan, jaw-dropping stare" when he suggested it, Wasserman said.
"I think it's a perk the average citizen in this country doesn't get, and it should end. . . . Sick leave is for when you're sick," he said.
The lawmaker set to get the biggest benefit is Sen. Fred Risser (D-Madison), who qualifies for more than $160,000 that he can put toward buying health insurance when he leaves state service. He has been in the Legislature for 50 years and come January will be the longest-serving state legislator in the country.
In total, 22 lawmakers qualify for more than $50,000 each in sick leave benefits, state records show. All of their benefits will continue to climb until they leave office.
The longest-serving legislators benefit from a bonus program available to all employees. Those who work 15 years or longer are awarded extra hours that can be used to buy health insurance.
The bonus hours more than doubled the benefit for Risser and Sen. Mike Ellis (R-Neenah).
The Journal Sentinel received the sick leave balances for all lawmakers under the state's open records law. The newspaper then calculated the bonus hours available to long-serving legislators and converted the hours for all legislators into dollar values by using state formulas.
Risser was out of state on legislative business last week and did not return phone calls. Ellis said that he did not think he had ever claimed a sick day in 36 years in office and that he was unaware of the benefit. Ellis' benefit is about $104,000.
"I did not know any of this," he said. "I've never paid any attention. It seems to me that doesn't seem right. It seems to me, if you don't use it, you should lose it."
It is difficult to be outraged over a benefit that no lawmakers seems to know about.
Rep. Christine Sinicki (D-Milwaukee) said she didn't make it to the Capitol for about three months in early 2005 after her pelvis was shattered in a car accident. She said she didn't take sick leave for the absence because she was unaware of the program until the Journal Sentinel asked about sick leave under the state's open records law.
It is even more difficult to be outraged over a benefit that no lawmaker to date seems to have cashed in on. There is no evidence that anyone has ever made a claim to this benefit.
The solution to this problem seems to be rather simple. If a legislator calls in sick, then they have to use a sick day, period.
Problem solved!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
I would love a train, but...
Yes, a train linking Kenosha(which already links to Chicago), Racine and Milwaukee would be great. It would be wonderful to be able to hop on the train for a day and hit the hot spots in Milwaukee. It would be great if I could leave my car at home and take a train to the airport.
We cannot afford a train. No matter how many proposals they have come up with so far, the rail system cannot sustain itself.
Check it out-
But officials still don't know how they'd pay for the service. At a regional transit authority meeting Monday, Yunker suggested the federal government could pick up as much as 90% of the capital cost. Kenosha Transit chief Len Brandrup, an authority member, called that estimate unrealistic. Congress has authorized $80 million for the line to date.
Operating costs would run $14.7 million a year, with fares covering $3.8 million. The Virchow Krause & Co. consulting firm is studying nearly 20 options to pick up the remaining $10.9 million, ranging from sales, gas and property taxes to tax-incremental financing districts that would use tax growth from rising property values near stations.
Brandrup said new property taxes would be "dead on arrival." Milwaukee County public works chief George Torres, another authority member, and state Rep. Jeff Stone (R-Greendale) said they were intrigued by the tax-district idea. Brandrup said it would take years for property values to grow enough to produce a revenue stream.
For the rest of the story...
We cannot afford a new rail system.
First of all, the new rail system proposal would cost $237 million. The feds are offering to cover $80 million.
This would leave $157 million for the taxpayers of Kenosha, Racine and Milwaukee to cover!
This is just the start up costs.
After the trains are running, an extra $10.9 million would be charged to the taxpayers each and every single year.
No plan should be supported until someone can come up with a plan that will not cost taxpayers millions and millions of dollars.
We cannot afford a train. No matter how many proposals they have come up with so far, the rail system cannot sustain itself.
Check it out-
But officials still don't know how they'd pay for the service. At a regional transit authority meeting Monday, Yunker suggested the federal government could pick up as much as 90% of the capital cost. Kenosha Transit chief Len Brandrup, an authority member, called that estimate unrealistic. Congress has authorized $80 million for the line to date.
Operating costs would run $14.7 million a year, with fares covering $3.8 million. The Virchow Krause & Co. consulting firm is studying nearly 20 options to pick up the remaining $10.9 million, ranging from sales, gas and property taxes to tax-incremental financing districts that would use tax growth from rising property values near stations.
Brandrup said new property taxes would be "dead on arrival." Milwaukee County public works chief George Torres, another authority member, and state Rep. Jeff Stone (R-Greendale) said they were intrigued by the tax-district idea. Brandrup said it would take years for property values to grow enough to produce a revenue stream.
For the rest of the story...
We cannot afford a new rail system.
First of all, the new rail system proposal would cost $237 million. The feds are offering to cover $80 million.
This would leave $157 million for the taxpayers of Kenosha, Racine and Milwaukee to cover!
This is just the start up costs.
After the trains are running, an extra $10.9 million would be charged to the taxpayers each and every single year.
No plan should be supported until someone can come up with a plan that will not cost taxpayers millions and millions of dollars.
Liberal hatred on display... again
Here is a lovely little Thanksgiving prayer written by a liberal at the Huffington Post:
I give thanks O Lord for Dick Cheney's Heart, that brave organ which has done its darn-tootin' best on four separate occasions to do what we can only dream about.
O Lord, give Dick Cheney's Heart, Our Sacred Secret Weapon, the strength to try one more time! For greater love hath no heart than that it lay down its life to rid the planet of its Number One Human Tumor.
I give thanks O Lord that we're getting to kick The Lame Duck when he's down. Thank you too Lord for making impeachment unfeasible so's we get to kick him and kick him and kick him, have him to kick around for two more long years, kick him so bad his stupid quacking beak comes out his own greasy-feathered DA.
Hat tip Patrick at Badger Blogger
I give thanks O Lord for Dick Cheney's Heart, that brave organ which has done its darn-tootin' best on four separate occasions to do what we can only dream about.
O Lord, give Dick Cheney's Heart, Our Sacred Secret Weapon, the strength to try one more time! For greater love hath no heart than that it lay down its life to rid the planet of its Number One Human Tumor.
I give thanks O Lord that we're getting to kick The Lame Duck when he's down. Thank you too Lord for making impeachment unfeasible so's we get to kick him and kick him and kick him, have him to kick around for two more long years, kick him so bad his stupid quacking beak comes out his own greasy-feathered DA.
Hat tip Patrick at Badger Blogger
The real truth about America's military and the draft
Charlie Rangel should have done a wee bit of fact checking on today's military.
It is staggering at how completely and utterly wrong Charlie Rangel is about who makes up today's military.
Charlie Rangel belief that today's military is made up of mostly poor black Americans is so far off base and he could not be more wrong.
Charlie Rangel also believes that if young people are drafted into the military we would never go to war:
"There's no question in my mind that this president and this administration would never have invaded Iraq, especially on the flimsy evidence that was presented to the Congress, if indeed we had a draft and members of Congress and the administration thought that their kids from their communities would be placed in harm's way," Rangel said.
The Wall Street Journal has an article out today that Charlie Rangel should read:
Harlem Congressman Charles Rangel created a stir once again this week with his call for renewing the military draft. His own party leaders quickly disavowed any such plan, suggesting just how unpopular the idea is among most Americans. Yet the proposal deserves some further inspection before it vanishes, if only to expose its false assumptions about the current U.S. military.
A vocal Iraq war critic, Mr. Rangel told CBS News recently, "There's no question in my mind that this President and this Administration would never have invaded Iraq, especially on the flimsy evidence that was presented to the Congress, if indeed we had a draft and members of Congress and the Administration thought that their kids from their communities would be placed in harm's way."
In other words, Mr. Rangel's real argument is about class in America, not over the best way to fight Islamic terrorism overseas. He's suggesting that somehow only the poor serve in Uncle Sam's Army. But his views are both out of date and condescending to those who do serve. Alas, they are shared by many on the political left, who think that the military places an unfair burden on the working class.
In this mythology, the military is overly reliant on uneducated dupes from poor communities because those from more affluent backgrounds don't want to serve. But the truth is closer to the opposite, according to a recent Heritage Foundation report on the demographic characteristics of the military. It's titled "Who Are the Recruits?" and Mr. Rangel, a Korean War veteran, might want to read it before implying that the military doesn't look like America.
According to the report, which analyzed the most recent Pentagon enlistee data, "the only group that is lowering its participation in the military is the poor. The percentage of recruits from the poorest American neighborhoods (with one-fifth of the U.S. population) declined from 18 percent in 1999 to 14.6 percent in 2003, 14.1 percent in 2004, and 13.7 percent in 2005." Put another way, if military burdens aren't spread more evenly among socio-economic groups in the U.S., it's because the poor are underrepresented.
Or consider education levels. In the general U.S. population, the high school graduation rate is a little under 80%. But among military recruits from 2003-2005, nearly 97% had high school diplomas. The academic quality of recruits has also been rising this decade. According to Heritage, the military defines a "high quality" recruit as someone who scores above the 50th percentile on the Armed Forces Qualifying Test and has a high school degree. The percentage of high quality recruits had climbed to 67% in 2004 and 64% in 2005, up from 57% in 2001
And what about race? In 2004, about 76% of the U.S. population was white, which was only slightly above the 73% of military recruits (and 72% of Army recruits) who were white. Blacks made up 12.17% of the population in 2004, and made up 14.54% of recruits in 2004 and 13% in 2005. Hispanic Americans are also slightly overrepresented in the military compared to their share of the population, but also not to a degree that suggests some worrisome cultural chasm among the races.
The overall truth is that today's recruits come primarily from the middle class, and, more importantly, they come willingly. This makes them more amenable to training and more likely to adapt to the rigors of military culture. An Army of draftees would so expand the number of recruits that training resources would inevitably be stretched and standards watered down. Meanwhile, scarce resources would be devoted to tens of thousands of temporary soldiers who planned to leave as soon as their year or two of forced service was up.
It's true that such training would help to shape up more young Americans who could use a few weeks of Marine discipline at Parris Island, and if this is what Mr. Rangel has in mind he should say so. But the price would be a less effective fighting force, and precisely at a time when experience and technological mastery are more important than ever in a fighting force.
"The military doesn't want a draft," says Tim Kane, an Air Force veteran and author of the Heritage study. "What the military wants is the most effective fighting force they can field. They want to win wars and minimize casualties. And you don't do that when you're forced to take less-educated, unmotivated people."
What about Mr. Rangel's point that conscription would have made intervention in Iraq less likely? It's impossible to know, but this is a dangerous argument for the future in any case. The main reason for having an effective Army is to deter enemies by making them believe we have the will to fight if we must. Mr. Rangel is saying the U.S. needs a conscript Army precisely to show an adversary we'll never use it. This is a good way to tempt Iran, say, into provocations that could lead to larger conflicts in which we would have no choice but to fight.
Mr. Rangel insists he will reintroduce a draft bill "as soon as we start the new session," but for all of these reasons it isn't likely to go anywhere. In 2004 GOP House leaders scheduled a floor vote on Mr. Rangel's Universal National Service Act, which would have required "all persons" to perform military or civilian service "in furtherance of national defense." The bill lost 402-2, and even Mr. Rangel opposed it.
Charlie Rangel is now part of the leadership in the House. He is set to take over the House Ways and Means committee.
It is staggering at how completely and utterly wrong Charlie Rangel is about who makes up today's military.
Charlie Rangel belief that today's military is made up of mostly poor black Americans is so far off base and he could not be more wrong.
Charlie Rangel also believes that if young people are drafted into the military we would never go to war:
"There's no question in my mind that this president and this administration would never have invaded Iraq, especially on the flimsy evidence that was presented to the Congress, if indeed we had a draft and members of Congress and the administration thought that their kids from their communities would be placed in harm's way," Rangel said.
The Wall Street Journal has an article out today that Charlie Rangel should read:
Harlem Congressman Charles Rangel created a stir once again this week with his call for renewing the military draft. His own party leaders quickly disavowed any such plan, suggesting just how unpopular the idea is among most Americans. Yet the proposal deserves some further inspection before it vanishes, if only to expose its false assumptions about the current U.S. military.
A vocal Iraq war critic, Mr. Rangel told CBS News recently, "There's no question in my mind that this President and this Administration would never have invaded Iraq, especially on the flimsy evidence that was presented to the Congress, if indeed we had a draft and members of Congress and the Administration thought that their kids from their communities would be placed in harm's way."
In other words, Mr. Rangel's real argument is about class in America, not over the best way to fight Islamic terrorism overseas. He's suggesting that somehow only the poor serve in Uncle Sam's Army. But his views are both out of date and condescending to those who do serve. Alas, they are shared by many on the political left, who think that the military places an unfair burden on the working class.
In this mythology, the military is overly reliant on uneducated dupes from poor communities because those from more affluent backgrounds don't want to serve. But the truth is closer to the opposite, according to a recent Heritage Foundation report on the demographic characteristics of the military. It's titled "Who Are the Recruits?" and Mr. Rangel, a Korean War veteran, might want to read it before implying that the military doesn't look like America.
According to the report, which analyzed the most recent Pentagon enlistee data, "the only group that is lowering its participation in the military is the poor. The percentage of recruits from the poorest American neighborhoods (with one-fifth of the U.S. population) declined from 18 percent in 1999 to 14.6 percent in 2003, 14.1 percent in 2004, and 13.7 percent in 2005." Put another way, if military burdens aren't spread more evenly among socio-economic groups in the U.S., it's because the poor are underrepresented.
Or consider education levels. In the general U.S. population, the high school graduation rate is a little under 80%. But among military recruits from 2003-2005, nearly 97% had high school diplomas. The academic quality of recruits has also been rising this decade. According to Heritage, the military defines a "high quality" recruit as someone who scores above the 50th percentile on the Armed Forces Qualifying Test and has a high school degree. The percentage of high quality recruits had climbed to 67% in 2004 and 64% in 2005, up from 57% in 2001
And what about race? In 2004, about 76% of the U.S. population was white, which was only slightly above the 73% of military recruits (and 72% of Army recruits) who were white. Blacks made up 12.17% of the population in 2004, and made up 14.54% of recruits in 2004 and 13% in 2005. Hispanic Americans are also slightly overrepresented in the military compared to their share of the population, but also not to a degree that suggests some worrisome cultural chasm among the races.
The overall truth is that today's recruits come primarily from the middle class, and, more importantly, they come willingly. This makes them more amenable to training and more likely to adapt to the rigors of military culture. An Army of draftees would so expand the number of recruits that training resources would inevitably be stretched and standards watered down. Meanwhile, scarce resources would be devoted to tens of thousands of temporary soldiers who planned to leave as soon as their year or two of forced service was up.
It's true that such training would help to shape up more young Americans who could use a few weeks of Marine discipline at Parris Island, and if this is what Mr. Rangel has in mind he should say so. But the price would be a less effective fighting force, and precisely at a time when experience and technological mastery are more important than ever in a fighting force.
"The military doesn't want a draft," says Tim Kane, an Air Force veteran and author of the Heritage study. "What the military wants is the most effective fighting force they can field. They want to win wars and minimize casualties. And you don't do that when you're forced to take less-educated, unmotivated people."
What about Mr. Rangel's point that conscription would have made intervention in Iraq less likely? It's impossible to know, but this is a dangerous argument for the future in any case. The main reason for having an effective Army is to deter enemies by making them believe we have the will to fight if we must. Mr. Rangel is saying the U.S. needs a conscript Army precisely to show an adversary we'll never use it. This is a good way to tempt Iran, say, into provocations that could lead to larger conflicts in which we would have no choice but to fight.
Mr. Rangel insists he will reintroduce a draft bill "as soon as we start the new session," but for all of these reasons it isn't likely to go anywhere. In 2004 GOP House leaders scheduled a floor vote on Mr. Rangel's Universal National Service Act, which would have required "all persons" to perform military or civilian service "in furtherance of national defense." The bill lost 402-2, and even Mr. Rangel opposed it.
Charlie Rangel is now part of the leadership in the House. He is set to take over the House Ways and Means committee.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Really, it's a little late for this
Recalling turkeys the day after Thanksgiving??? It's a little late, don't you think?
WASHINGTON (Reuters) — An Ohio-based company is recalling 46,941 pounds of turkey and ham products that officials fear could cause listeriosis, a potentially fatal disease, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said Friday.
HoneyBaked Foods Inc. is voluntarily recalling the meat, which includes cooked, glazed and sliced ham and turkey, the agriculture department said in a statement.
The meat, produced between Sept. 5 and Nov. 13, may be contaminated with listeria monocytogenes, which can bring about high fever, headaches, neck stiffness and nausea, the USDA said.
Healthy individuals are not usually susceptible to the illness, but it can cause infections to infants, the elderly, or people with HIV or cancer. It can also cause miscarriages.
The meat was sold at the company's retail stores and kiosks around Toledo, Ohio, and to customers across the country over the Internet and through the company's catalogue.
Federal officials consider the situation a high risk to human health, but have not received any reports so far of illness related to the meat products.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) — An Ohio-based company is recalling 46,941 pounds of turkey and ham products that officials fear could cause listeriosis, a potentially fatal disease, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said Friday.
HoneyBaked Foods Inc. is voluntarily recalling the meat, which includes cooked, glazed and sliced ham and turkey, the agriculture department said in a statement.
The meat, produced between Sept. 5 and Nov. 13, may be contaminated with listeria monocytogenes, which can bring about high fever, headaches, neck stiffness and nausea, the USDA said.
Healthy individuals are not usually susceptible to the illness, but it can cause infections to infants, the elderly, or people with HIV or cancer. It can also cause miscarriages.
The meat was sold at the company's retail stores and kiosks around Toledo, Ohio, and to customers across the country over the Internet and through the company's catalogue.
Federal officials consider the situation a high risk to human health, but have not received any reports so far of illness related to the meat products.
What are you thankful for?
I have been listening to WLIP 1050 AM in Kenosha for the last couple of hours. They are currently taking alot of calls on what people are thankful for.
The list of things that people are thankful for are incredible. At the top of the list was those thankful for God and his blessings and the fact that they live in a great country.
Here are some items on the list that folks are calling in about:
Family and friends
America's service men and women
A President that is willing to fight terrorism, even if the rest of the country is no longer paying attention
Pleasant Prairie Trustee Alex Tiahnybok was thankful that he had an opportunity to serve the people in Pleasant Prairie
And the list goes on and on-
So, what are you thankful for?
The list of things that people are thankful for are incredible. At the top of the list was those thankful for God and his blessings and the fact that they live in a great country.
Here are some items on the list that folks are calling in about:
Family and friends
America's service men and women
A President that is willing to fight terrorism, even if the rest of the country is no longer paying attention
Pleasant Prairie Trustee Alex Tiahnybok was thankful that he had an opportunity to serve the people in Pleasant Prairie
And the list goes on and on-
So, what are you thankful for?
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Okay- this is embarrassing...
Why is it that when my very own state Senator Bob Wirch is actually quoted in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, he is saying something outlandish?
Every year, the state legislators and the governor have hundreds of thousands of state maps printed up with the governor's picture on it.
Total cost for these maps? $232,500!
The state legislators then "put their names on them and often hand them out to constituents like candy."
When confronted with a $1.6 billion budget deficit, and a proposal to eliminate the state map give away, what did our lovely state Senator, Bob Wirch have to say about it?
"I would hope they would find other (savings), besides a service to our citizens," said state Sen. Bob Wirch (D-Kenosha), referring to the proposed elimination of the maps.
"People pay a lot of taxes in this state," said Wirch, who gives out thousands of maps each year. "I think they've got a right to get a map. . . . They'd have to pay for it, otherwise."
That's right folks. Our super genius state senator actually believes that people have the "right" to a free map.
When it comes to dealing with serious budget issues, Senator Wirch has no clue. This guy has been our state senator for 18 years!
So since we cannot save $232,000 by eliminating the map give-away, how does Senator Wirch propose we close the $1.6 billion deficit?
Who knows?
In all the years that Senator Wirch has been our senator, I have never once heard him propose any cuts to the state budget. NEVER! Perhaps he has and I have missed it, but Wirch's reputation certainly proceeds him.
I apologize for my senator to all the overtaxed Wisconsinites who believe our state government is spending way too much money on trivial items.
Every year, the state legislators and the governor have hundreds of thousands of state maps printed up with the governor's picture on it.
Total cost for these maps? $232,500!
The state legislators then "put their names on them and often hand them out to constituents like candy."
When confronted with a $1.6 billion budget deficit, and a proposal to eliminate the state map give away, what did our lovely state Senator, Bob Wirch have to say about it?
"I would hope they would find other (savings), besides a service to our citizens," said state Sen. Bob Wirch (D-Kenosha), referring to the proposed elimination of the maps.
"People pay a lot of taxes in this state," said Wirch, who gives out thousands of maps each year. "I think they've got a right to get a map. . . . They'd have to pay for it, otherwise."
That's right folks. Our super genius state senator actually believes that people have the "right" to a free map.
When it comes to dealing with serious budget issues, Senator Wirch has no clue. This guy has been our state senator for 18 years!
So since we cannot save $232,000 by eliminating the map give-away, how does Senator Wirch propose we close the $1.6 billion deficit?
Who knows?
In all the years that Senator Wirch has been our senator, I have never once heard him propose any cuts to the state budget. NEVER! Perhaps he has and I have missed it, but Wirch's reputation certainly proceeds him.
I apologize for my senator to all the overtaxed Wisconsinites who believe our state government is spending way too much money on trivial items.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Thanks for giving
I wanted to take a moment to say “thank you” to some very special Americans.
Our American soldiers will be standing watch all over the world tonight as the rest of us safely sleep.
Words cannot express my gratitude.
Tomorrow most Americans will be stuffing themselves with all of the traditional Thanksgiving specialties and many American soldiers will not be able to share this tradition with their families.
Thank you to each and every American soldier and sailor, both past and present, for defending our freedoms.
Our American soldiers will be standing watch all over the world tonight as the rest of us safely sleep.
Words cannot express my gratitude.
Tomorrow most Americans will be stuffing themselves with all of the traditional Thanksgiving specialties and many American soldiers will not be able to share this tradition with their families.
Thank you to each and every American soldier and sailor, both past and present, for defending our freedoms.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I thought he said he "balanced the budget"?
In fact, I am pretty sure that Doyle claimed on a number of occasions that he "balanced the budget".
Gov. Jim Doyle and the Legislature will have to close a $1.6 billion deficit as they develop the next two-year budget, according to a new report released Monday.
State budget short $1.6 billion
More on this later.
Gov. Jim Doyle and the Legislature will have to close a $1.6 billion deficit as they develop the next two-year budget, according to a new report released Monday.
State budget short $1.6 billion
Did she really say this?
It absolutely boggles the mind as to why these Hollywood folks cannot seem to keep their mouths shut.
SCARLETT JOHANSSON has slammed US PRESIDENT GEORGE W BUSH for his staunch conservative views on sex, criticising the Republican for being too unrealistic in his opinions on the topic. The LOST IN TRANSLATION movie star last month (10OCT06) boasted about being so "socially aware" she gets tested for HIV twice a year. A staunch Christian, Bush is vehemently anti-abortion and is seeking to have the operation made illegal in all US states. During his time as Governor of Texas, Bush overhauled the state's sex education system and high school students were taught abstinence was the only way to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Johansson says, "We are supposed to be liberated in America but if our President had his way, we wouldn't be educated about sex at all. "Every woman would have six children and we wouldn't be able to have abortions."
A couple of questions-
Does Scarlett really believe that since she gets herself tested twice a year for HIV really mean that she will not get the disease?
Other than abstinence- what other way absolutely 100% guarantees that a person will not get a sexually transmitted disease?
SCARLETT JOHANSSON has slammed US PRESIDENT GEORGE W BUSH for his staunch conservative views on sex, criticising the Republican for being too unrealistic in his opinions on the topic. The LOST IN TRANSLATION movie star last month (10OCT06) boasted about being so "socially aware" she gets tested for HIV twice a year. A staunch Christian, Bush is vehemently anti-abortion and is seeking to have the operation made illegal in all US states. During his time as Governor of Texas, Bush overhauled the state's sex education system and high school students were taught abstinence was the only way to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Johansson says, "We are supposed to be liberated in America but if our President had his way, we wouldn't be educated about sex at all. "Every woman would have six children and we wouldn't be able to have abortions."
A couple of questions-
Does Scarlett really believe that since she gets herself tested twice a year for HIV really mean that she will not get the disease?
Other than abstinence- what other way absolutely 100% guarantees that a person will not get a sexually transmitted disease?
Monday, November 20, 2006
His career as a comedian is over
Michael Richards did not have much of a career after playing Kramer. However, his career has now ended.
Whether or not he lost his temper, there is absolutely no excuse for the hatred that he spewed onstage on Friday night.
Richards: 'I lost my temper onstage'
If you are interested is seeing the tirade, you can catch it at this link-
"Kramer's" Racist Tirade -- Caught on Tape
I have chosen not to watch it. To me, there is enough hate in this world.
Whether or not he lost his temper, there is absolutely no excuse for the hatred that he spewed onstage on Friday night.
Richards: 'I lost my temper onstage'
If you are interested is seeing the tirade, you can catch it at this link-
"Kramer's" Racist Tirade -- Caught on Tape
I have chosen not to watch it. To me, there is enough hate in this world.
Van Hollen sticks to his campaign guns
Hat Tip- Kevin at Lakeshore Laments
Wisconsin State Journal
Attorney General-elect J.B. Van Hollen said he intended to keep a campaign promise to withdraw the state from a lawsuit against a cranberry farmer and that he will consider doing the same thing on several other environmental cases brought by his predecessor.
Whether or not some folks continue to file lawsuits against the cranberry farmers, it is great news that JB Van Hollen will not use state funds to pursue the frivilous lawsuits.
Thanks JB!
Wisconsin State Journal
Attorney General-elect J.B. Van Hollen said he intended to keep a campaign promise to withdraw the state from a lawsuit against a cranberry farmer and that he will consider doing the same thing on several other environmental cases brought by his predecessor.
Whether or not some folks continue to file lawsuits against the cranberry farmers, it is great news that JB Van Hollen will not use state funds to pursue the frivilous lawsuits.
Thanks JB!
Rep. Rangel Will Seek to Reinstate Draft
Americans would have to sign up for a new military draft after turning 18 if the incoming chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee has his way.
Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., said Sunday he sees his idea as a way to deter politicians from launching wars and to bolster U.S. troop levels insufficient to cover potential future action in Iran, North Korea and Iraq.
So, let me get this straight, by increasing the size of our military and forcing people to become soldiers- this will deter us from going to war with Iran or North Korea????
I cannot believe the stupidity of this statement-
"There's no question in my mind that this president and this administration would never have invaded Iraq, especially on the flimsy evidence that was presented to the Congress, if indeed we had a draft and members of Congress and the administration thought that their kids from their communities would be placed in harm's way," Rangel said.
Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., said Sunday he sees his idea as a way to deter politicians from launching wars and to bolster U.S. troop levels insufficient to cover potential future action in Iran, North Korea and Iraq.
So, let me get this straight, by increasing the size of our military and forcing people to become soldiers- this will deter us from going to war with Iran or North Korea????
I cannot believe the stupidity of this statement-
"There's no question in my mind that this president and this administration would never have invaded Iraq, especially on the flimsy evidence that was presented to the Congress, if indeed we had a draft and members of Congress and the administration thought that their kids from their communities would be placed in harm's way," Rangel said.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Kenosha News-The Republican View- 11/18/06
This is the article that I wrote for "The Republican View" column in today's Kenosha News.
Knowing that Kenosha County conservatives would be reading this article, I had two purposes in mind.
First of all, I wanted to thank each and every single volunteer that worked so hard during this election cycle.
Secondly, I wanted to not only acknowledge that we lost nationwide, but also point out the positives that happened here in Kenosha for the conservative voter. There is hope and a future for the conservative voter here in Kenosha and in Wisconsin.
Since there is no way to link to this on the web, here is a copy-
Finally, the elections are over and we can all get back to our normal lives. A life that includes watching TV without nasty political ads and answering our phone without first checking the caller ID.
How easy would it be for conservatives to complain that we lost control of the House and the Senate? However, I am not going to do this. Because of the hard work of many people and the bright future of the conservative movement in Kenosha, it is not right to complain.
There are many wonderful people to thank and to congratulate after this election. Conservatives took positive steps forward during this election cycle in Kenosha.
Let me start first by congratulating the Democrats. They energized their voters.
I also want to say thank you to Brenda Maurer Witthun and Jeffery Kehl, who both ran for office and came up short. Both are incredible people and I had a great time working with both of them. I admire Brenda and Jeff for having the courage to put their names on a ballot and face all of the consequences that comes with doing so.
Congratulations to State Representative Samantha Kerkman, State Representative Thomas Lothian, and State Senator Neal Kedzie for winning their respective elections. All three embrace the values of the people that they represent and easily won re-election because of these values.
We are thrilled that Congressman Ryan is heading back to Washington to continue to fight for our Wisconsin values. Thru all of the difficulties of politics, Congressman Ryan provides steady leadership in the face of a storm.
Now on to the race for Kenosha County Sheriff. Congratulations to Sheriff David Beth! The race turned a little ugly at times and still Sheriff Beth continued to smile throughout the entire process. It was very easy to rally around Sheriff Beth because of his positive attitude and dedication to protecting Kenosha County residents.
Congratulations to the residents of Pleasant Prairie who shot down the three referendums begging them for more money. Pleasant Prairie residents easily recognized that their village leaders have seriously mismanaged their finances. The Village administrators have continued to frivolously spend money and it has become too easy to head back to the taxpayers when they run out of cash. The irresponsible spending habit of Pleasant Prairie administrators has gotten completely out of control. Rightfully so, the village residents said “no more”.
Most importantly, I would like to thank the volunteers that gave so generously of their time. During the weeks and months preceding this election, old friendships were re-kindled and new friendships were born. In the last 5 days of this election cycle, approximately 200 volunteers worked countless hours to move Kenosha in a positive direction. Thank you to every one of these volunteers.
Over the next several weeks and months, the conservative movement in Kenosha will move forward. We are stronger and wiser than we have ever been.
Together we have learned to celebrate the victories and survive the defeats.
Thank you everyone!
Kathy Carpenter
President Kenosha County Republican Women
Knowing that Kenosha County conservatives would be reading this article, I had two purposes in mind.
First of all, I wanted to thank each and every single volunteer that worked so hard during this election cycle.
Secondly, I wanted to not only acknowledge that we lost nationwide, but also point out the positives that happened here in Kenosha for the conservative voter. There is hope and a future for the conservative voter here in Kenosha and in Wisconsin.
Since there is no way to link to this on the web, here is a copy-
Finally, the elections are over and we can all get back to our normal lives. A life that includes watching TV without nasty political ads and answering our phone without first checking the caller ID.
How easy would it be for conservatives to complain that we lost control of the House and the Senate? However, I am not going to do this. Because of the hard work of many people and the bright future of the conservative movement in Kenosha, it is not right to complain.
There are many wonderful people to thank and to congratulate after this election. Conservatives took positive steps forward during this election cycle in Kenosha.
Let me start first by congratulating the Democrats. They energized their voters.
I also want to say thank you to Brenda Maurer Witthun and Jeffery Kehl, who both ran for office and came up short. Both are incredible people and I had a great time working with both of them. I admire Brenda and Jeff for having the courage to put their names on a ballot and face all of the consequences that comes with doing so.
Congratulations to State Representative Samantha Kerkman, State Representative Thomas Lothian, and State Senator Neal Kedzie for winning their respective elections. All three embrace the values of the people that they represent and easily won re-election because of these values.
We are thrilled that Congressman Ryan is heading back to Washington to continue to fight for our Wisconsin values. Thru all of the difficulties of politics, Congressman Ryan provides steady leadership in the face of a storm.
Now on to the race for Kenosha County Sheriff. Congratulations to Sheriff David Beth! The race turned a little ugly at times and still Sheriff Beth continued to smile throughout the entire process. It was very easy to rally around Sheriff Beth because of his positive attitude and dedication to protecting Kenosha County residents.
Congratulations to the residents of Pleasant Prairie who shot down the three referendums begging them for more money. Pleasant Prairie residents easily recognized that their village leaders have seriously mismanaged their finances. The Village administrators have continued to frivolously spend money and it has become too easy to head back to the taxpayers when they run out of cash. The irresponsible spending habit of Pleasant Prairie administrators has gotten completely out of control. Rightfully so, the village residents said “no more”.
Most importantly, I would like to thank the volunteers that gave so generously of their time. During the weeks and months preceding this election, old friendships were re-kindled and new friendships were born. In the last 5 days of this election cycle, approximately 200 volunteers worked countless hours to move Kenosha in a positive direction. Thank you to every one of these volunteers.
Over the next several weeks and months, the conservative movement in Kenosha will move forward. We are stronger and wiser than we have ever been.
Together we have learned to celebrate the victories and survive the defeats.
Thank you everyone!
Kathy Carpenter
President Kenosha County Republican Women
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Finally- that is over with
Anyone who has turned on their TV over the last week is well aware of what today was-
Cruise, Holmes exchange vows in Italy
I actually used to like Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, before they got together. Now I am convinced that Katie Holmes has lost her every lovin' mind.
This photo was taken as Tom Cruise was walking into the castle. Katie looks terrified-

I wish them both the best.
Now, it is time to get on to the important issue. Like, how did the dress look?
Cruise, Holmes exchange vows in Italy
I actually used to like Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, before they got together. Now I am convinced that Katie Holmes has lost her every lovin' mind.
This photo was taken as Tom Cruise was walking into the castle. Katie looks terrified-

I wish them both the best.
Now, it is time to get on to the important issue. Like, how did the dress look?
How is it possible?
How is it possible that once again, an investigation has been launched, and Marvin Pratt is right in the middle of it?
The U.S. attorney in Milwaukee has launched an investigation into the improper distribution of $300,000 worth of settlement money in a landmark redlining case.
According to court documents, trustee Harold B. Jackson wrote checks to himself and others without authorization. Among those who received checks were former Acting Mayor Marvin Pratt and longtime NAACP President Felmers Chaney, who each were paid $60,000 earlier this year.
I am not accusing Marvin Pratt of doing anything wrong in this case. I do not know this to be a fact.
It just seems so wierd that every time we hear about Marvin Pratt, he is in the middle of some type of wrong doing.
Once again, I am not saying Marvin Pratt did anything wrong. However, if a $60,000 check showed up at my house, out of the clear blue, I would be asking some serious questions.
The U.S. attorney in Milwaukee has launched an investigation into the improper distribution of $300,000 worth of settlement money in a landmark redlining case.
According to court documents, trustee Harold B. Jackson wrote checks to himself and others without authorization. Among those who received checks were former Acting Mayor Marvin Pratt and longtime NAACP President Felmers Chaney, who each were paid $60,000 earlier this year.
I am not accusing Marvin Pratt of doing anything wrong in this case. I do not know this to be a fact.
It just seems so wierd that every time we hear about Marvin Pratt, he is in the middle of some type of wrong doing.
Once again, I am not saying Marvin Pratt did anything wrong. However, if a $60,000 check showed up at my house, out of the clear blue, I would be asking some serious questions.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Now, isn't this a bit ridiculous?
First of all, it's bad enough that people stand in line for days to purchase a Playstation 3, but to make matters worse, all these people are loaded with cash.
Use your head, people!
Two armed thugs tried to rob a line of people waiting for the new PlayStation 3 game system to go on sale in Putnam early Friday and shot one man who refused to give up his money, authorities said.
Use your head, people!
Two armed thugs tried to rob a line of people waiting for the new PlayStation 3 game system to go on sale in Putnam early Friday and shot one man who refused to give up his money, authorities said.
Let's be careful out there, people
Deer hunters gear up
More than 600,000 expected as firearms season opens Saturday
To all of Wisconsin's deer hunters- have a good time.
Please aim carefully and know what you are shooting at-
So for heaven's sake- do shoot each other. Okay!
More than 600,000 expected as firearms season opens Saturday
To all of Wisconsin's deer hunters- have a good time.
Please aim carefully and know what you are shooting at-
So for heaven's sake- do shoot each other. Okay!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Terrorism- a constant threat
Just in case anyone has forgotten. Terrorism is still a huge threat here in the US.
A man was arrested at Detroit Metropolitan Airport after officials say they found him carrying more than $78,000 in cash and a laptop computer containing information about nuclear materials and cyanide.
Sisayehiticha Dinssa, an unemployed U.S. citizen, was arrested Tuesday after a dog caught the scent of narcotics on cash he was carrying, according to an affidavit filed in court.
A man was arrested at Detroit Metropolitan Airport after officials say they found him carrying more than $78,000 in cash and a laptop computer containing information about nuclear materials and cyanide.
Sisayehiticha Dinssa, an unemployed U.S. citizen, was arrested Tuesday after a dog caught the scent of narcotics on cash he was carrying, according to an affidavit filed in court.
When agents asked him if he had any cash to declare, he said he had $18,000, authorities said. But when agents checked his luggage, they found an additional $59,000. When they scrolled through his laptop, they said they found the mysterious files.
continued...The General is in charge
Like it or not- the General is in charge of the war in Iraq. Both Republican and Democratic leaders demanded a change in Iraq.
Republicans want to increase the amount of troops in Iraq and finish this once and for all.
The Democrats want to run away-
Congress remains sharply divided over U.S. policy in Iraq, casting doubt on plans by leading senators to make a bipartisan recommendation to President Bush by January.
In the first hearing on Iraq since the Nov. 7 elections where Democrats won control of Congress, a top Army general swatted down both Democratic and Republican proposals to change course in Iraq.
Gen. John Abizaid, commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East, said Wednesday the number of troops deployed to Iraq should not increased or decreased sharply. Instead, the United States should focus on accelerating the training of Iraqi forces so they can be pushed front and center into battle, he said.
"Our troop posture needs to stay where it is," Abizaid said.
Republicans want to increase the amount of troops in Iraq and finish this once and for all.
The Democrats want to run away-
Congress remains sharply divided over U.S. policy in Iraq, casting doubt on plans by leading senators to make a bipartisan recommendation to President Bush by January.
In the first hearing on Iraq since the Nov. 7 elections where Democrats won control of Congress, a top Army general swatted down both Democratic and Republican proposals to change course in Iraq.
Gen. John Abizaid, commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East, said Wednesday the number of troops deployed to Iraq should not increased or decreased sharply. Instead, the United States should focus on accelerating the training of Iraqi forces so they can be pushed front and center into battle, he said.
"Our troop posture needs to stay where it is," Abizaid said.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
And to further stick it to taxpayers...
DOT is asking for another $25 to register your car every year. Just to add to the insult, they jacked the prices of getting a driver's license also.
Funny how this little bit of information did not come out until after the election-
The state Department of Transportation is recommending raising the annual registration fees to $80 for cars, a 46% increase, and hikes of up to 65% for light trucks.
The department also recommends increasing the cost of driver's licenses by $10, from $24 to $34, to cover the cost of new federal requirements to make identification cards more secure.
The recommendations were due two months ago as part of the agency's budget request, but the department waited until Friday - three days after Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle was re-elected - to submit them.
Doyle said during the campaign he would support raising the car registration fee by about $10, but the DOT is asking for a $25 hike. Its recommendation would raise car fees from $55 to $80.
It is also asking to raise the fee for light trucks weighing up tor 4,500 pounds from $48.50 to $80; for light trucks that weigh 4,501 to 6,000 pounds from $61.50 to $89; and for light trucks from 6,001 pounds to 8,000 pounds from $77.50 to $112. Those are increases of 65%, 44.7% and 44.5%, respectively.
The vehicle registration fee hikes would increase state revenues by about $208 million over the next two years. The department said it needs the money to help cover critical needs, such as road maintenance, aid to local governments and rebuilding I-94 from the Illinois state line to Milwaukee.
The increase in driver license charges would raise more than $22 million over two years, about what the department says it needs to cover the new federal requirements known as REAL ID, which must be implemented by May 2008. Those requirements include using a card stock that is more difficult to counterfeit and electronically verifying Social Security numbers and birth certificates.
Licenses are good for eight years.
They are proposing this increase for road maintenance. Makes you wonder whether or not this would have happened if Jim Doyle had not raided the transportation fund of $1 BILLION.
Funny how this little bit of information did not come out until after the election-
The state Department of Transportation is recommending raising the annual registration fees to $80 for cars, a 46% increase, and hikes of up to 65% for light trucks.
The department also recommends increasing the cost of driver's licenses by $10, from $24 to $34, to cover the cost of new federal requirements to make identification cards more secure.
The recommendations were due two months ago as part of the agency's budget request, but the department waited until Friday - three days after Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle was re-elected - to submit them.
Doyle said during the campaign he would support raising the car registration fee by about $10, but the DOT is asking for a $25 hike. Its recommendation would raise car fees from $55 to $80.
It is also asking to raise the fee for light trucks weighing up tor 4,500 pounds from $48.50 to $80; for light trucks that weigh 4,501 to 6,000 pounds from $61.50 to $89; and for light trucks from 6,001 pounds to 8,000 pounds from $77.50 to $112. Those are increases of 65%, 44.7% and 44.5%, respectively.
The vehicle registration fee hikes would increase state revenues by about $208 million over the next two years. The department said it needs the money to help cover critical needs, such as road maintenance, aid to local governments and rebuilding I-94 from the Illinois state line to Milwaukee.
The increase in driver license charges would raise more than $22 million over two years, about what the department says it needs to cover the new federal requirements known as REAL ID, which must be implemented by May 2008. Those requirements include using a card stock that is more difficult to counterfeit and electronically verifying Social Security numbers and birth certificates.
Licenses are good for eight years.
They are proposing this increase for road maintenance. Makes you wonder whether or not this would have happened if Jim Doyle had not raided the transportation fund of $1 BILLION.
The taxpayer gets pounded again
The Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors voted to override Scott Walker's veto and stick it to the taxpayers.
The Supervisors will be increasing taxes on Milwaukee County residents.
Clearly Scott Walker showed that a budget could be proposed that would not increase anyone's taxes.
The board had a choice. Either they increase the taxes on the county residents or they follow Scott Walker's plan.
Worse yet, the county still cannot pay the bills, even with the tax increase. They budget goes out of balance on January 1st. How irresponsible is this?
The Milwaukee County Board stood behind its version of the 2007 county budget this afternoon, overriding County Executive Scott Walker's veto with two votes to spare.
The 14-5 vote followed stern words of criticism for Walker's unusual decision to veto the entire $1.2 billion budget.
Supervisors defended their moves to restore tax funding for public safety, parks, social services and other programs. With today's vote, those changes become part of the budget.
Walker this week said the board-approved budget overtaxed, ignored the county's long-term fiscal challenges and would quickly be out of balance. He objected to the 3.6% tax levy increase.
The votes did not change from last week, when the board adopted the budget.
Voting to override and stand by the board-approved budget: Supervisors Gerry Broderick, Toni Clark, Elizabeth Coggs-Jones, Lynne DeBruin, Marina Dimitrijevic, Willie Johnson Jr., Michael Mayo Sr., Ryan McCue, Richard Nyklewicz Jr., Roger Quindel, John Weishan Jr., Peggy West, James White and County Board Chairman Lee Holloway.
Voting to sustain Walker's veto and start over on crafting a new budget: Supervisors Mark Borkowski, Paul Cesarz, Dan Devine, Joseph Rice and James Schmitt.
This board of supervisors proved how completely inept they are. Even with tax increases, they cannot balance a budget!
The Supervisors will be increasing taxes on Milwaukee County residents.
Clearly Scott Walker showed that a budget could be proposed that would not increase anyone's taxes.
The board had a choice. Either they increase the taxes on the county residents or they follow Scott Walker's plan.
Worse yet, the county still cannot pay the bills, even with the tax increase. They budget goes out of balance on January 1st. How irresponsible is this?
The Milwaukee County Board stood behind its version of the 2007 county budget this afternoon, overriding County Executive Scott Walker's veto with two votes to spare.
The 14-5 vote followed stern words of criticism for Walker's unusual decision to veto the entire $1.2 billion budget.
Supervisors defended their moves to restore tax funding for public safety, parks, social services and other programs. With today's vote, those changes become part of the budget.
Walker this week said the board-approved budget overtaxed, ignored the county's long-term fiscal challenges and would quickly be out of balance. He objected to the 3.6% tax levy increase.
The votes did not change from last week, when the board adopted the budget.
Voting to override and stand by the board-approved budget: Supervisors Gerry Broderick, Toni Clark, Elizabeth Coggs-Jones, Lynne DeBruin, Marina Dimitrijevic, Willie Johnson Jr., Michael Mayo Sr., Ryan McCue, Richard Nyklewicz Jr., Roger Quindel, John Weishan Jr., Peggy West, James White and County Board Chairman Lee Holloway.
Voting to sustain Walker's veto and start over on crafting a new budget: Supervisors Mark Borkowski, Paul Cesarz, Dan Devine, Joseph Rice and James Schmitt.
This board of supervisors proved how completely inept they are. Even with tax increases, they cannot balance a budget!
Go Ryan!
9:47 a.m.:
Ryan to Seek Budget Committee Leadership
U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Janesville, has announced he intends to run for ranking GOP member on the House Budget Committee.A spokesperson for Ryan said he is considered a “dark horse candidate” because he is of lower seniority than other members on the committee. His office said decisions on who will be ranking members on various committees could come as early as December.Ryan’s candidacy has garnered support of the conservative fiscal reform group Americans for Prosperity which praised him for supporting earmark reform and for voting in favor of a series of amendments designed to combat pork-barrel spending. According to the group, the subscription service Congress Daily listed Ryan and U.S. Rep. Ander Crenshaw, R-Fla., as potential candidates.
We are behind you 100%, Congressman Ryan!
We need each and every single person with a Republican Congressman to call their own congressman and rally support for Congressman Paul Ryan.
Ryan to Seek Budget Committee Leadership
U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Janesville, has announced he intends to run for ranking GOP member on the House Budget Committee.A spokesperson for Ryan said he is considered a “dark horse candidate” because he is of lower seniority than other members on the committee. His office said decisions on who will be ranking members on various committees could come as early as December.Ryan’s candidacy has garnered support of the conservative fiscal reform group Americans for Prosperity which praised him for supporting earmark reform and for voting in favor of a series of amendments designed to combat pork-barrel spending. According to the group, the subscription service Congress Daily listed Ryan and U.S. Rep. Ander Crenshaw, R-Fla., as potential candidates.
We are behind you 100%, Congressman Ryan!
We need each and every single person with a Republican Congressman to call their own congressman and rally support for Congressman Paul Ryan.
Yes- this is upsetting
If the Green Team had done this to JB Van Hollen, would the Van Hollen campaign have been upset?
Yes, probably.
Is this the end of the world?
No, of course not.
What do you do if you're the Republican candidate for attorney general and stuck at the top of the ticket is a guy who is going nowhere fast?
Abandon your party's gubernatorial candidate by urging voters to split their tickets.
That's what Attorney General-elect J.B. Van Hollen did on the eve of the election last week. His campaign slapped together a leaflet aimed at supporters of Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle, proclaiming: "You can be a GOOD DEMOCRAT and VOTE AGAINST Kathleen FALK."
Not the type of pitch that will earn you brownie points with your party. Aw, but what the heck, Van Hollen won, making him the only Wisconsin Republican to win a statewide seat.
Brian Fraley, Van Hollen's campaign mouthpiece, said the literature should not have bothered Mark Green, the GOP standard-bearer who lost to Doyleby 53% to 45%.
"The only people who got this flier were those who had already decided who to vote for governor," Fraley said, noting that volunteers in Milwaukee, Waukesha and Dane counties were told to drop the 1,000 leaflets only at houses that had Doyle signs in their yards. "It's not like we said anything negative about the candidate. . . . We were going after people who had already made up their mind."
Targeting conservative Democrats was long a part of Van Hollen's strategy, Fraley said. The plan obviously worked well, considering the former U.S. attorney collected 86,000 more votes than Green.
"You need to reach out to conservative Democrats, independents and swing voters in order to win," Fraley said, boasting that his candidate was the only Republican challenger in the nation to win a statewide Democratic seat.
Van Hollen will replace Peg Lautenschlager, who lost to Falk in the September Democratic primary.
Fraley stressed his campaign's close ties to the Republican gubernatorial candidate. "We were not distant from Green," Fraley said. "We worked well with them."
But, Fraley added, "we ran our own campaign."
State Republican Party Chairman Brad Courtney, a glass-half-full kind of guy, initially sounded a little bothered by the literature but downplayed it, agreeing with Fraley that the leaflet didn't really attack Green.
But reverse the picture: Had Falk passed out literature to homes with Green signs, would that have annoyed the new chairman?
"Boy, can I think about this for a couple of hours?" Courtney asked.
Mark Graul, Green's campaign manager, didn't need a whole lot of time to make clear he didn't appreciate the 11th-hour move by Van Hollen
"It's not a tactic that I would have employed had the roles been reversed," Graul said.
Yeah, but why?
"Everybody is accountable for their own campaign," said the veteran Republican strategist. "I don't think I would put together a flier to encourage people to vote for a Democrat and for my candidate."
Yes, probably.
Is this the end of the world?
No, of course not.
What do you do if you're the Republican candidate for attorney general and stuck at the top of the ticket is a guy who is going nowhere fast?
Abandon your party's gubernatorial candidate by urging voters to split their tickets.
That's what Attorney General-elect J.B. Van Hollen did on the eve of the election last week. His campaign slapped together a leaflet aimed at supporters of Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle, proclaiming: "You can be a GOOD DEMOCRAT and VOTE AGAINST Kathleen FALK."
Not the type of pitch that will earn you brownie points with your party. Aw, but what the heck, Van Hollen won, making him the only Wisconsin Republican to win a statewide seat.
Brian Fraley, Van Hollen's campaign mouthpiece, said the literature should not have bothered Mark Green, the GOP standard-bearer who lost to Doyleby 53% to 45%.
"The only people who got this flier were those who had already decided who to vote for governor," Fraley said, noting that volunteers in Milwaukee, Waukesha and Dane counties were told to drop the 1,000 leaflets only at houses that had Doyle signs in their yards. "It's not like we said anything negative about the candidate. . . . We were going after people who had already made up their mind."
Targeting conservative Democrats was long a part of Van Hollen's strategy, Fraley said. The plan obviously worked well, considering the former U.S. attorney collected 86,000 more votes than Green.
"You need to reach out to conservative Democrats, independents and swing voters in order to win," Fraley said, boasting that his candidate was the only Republican challenger in the nation to win a statewide Democratic seat.
Van Hollen will replace Peg Lautenschlager, who lost to Falk in the September Democratic primary.
Fraley stressed his campaign's close ties to the Republican gubernatorial candidate. "We were not distant from Green," Fraley said. "We worked well with them."
But, Fraley added, "we ran our own campaign."
State Republican Party Chairman Brad Courtney, a glass-half-full kind of guy, initially sounded a little bothered by the literature but downplayed it, agreeing with Fraley that the leaflet didn't really attack Green.
But reverse the picture: Had Falk passed out literature to homes with Green signs, would that have annoyed the new chairman?
"Boy, can I think about this for a couple of hours?" Courtney asked.
Mark Graul, Green's campaign manager, didn't need a whole lot of time to make clear he didn't appreciate the 11th-hour move by Van Hollen
"It's not a tactic that I would have employed had the roles been reversed," Graul said.
Yeah, but why?
"Everybody is accountable for their own campaign," said the veteran Republican strategist. "I don't think I would put together a flier to encourage people to vote for a Democrat and for my candidate."
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
He did it again
He did it again. He vetoed the Milwaukee County Board budget.
Milwaukee County executive went and protected the tax payers again by vetoing the tax increases proposed by the Milwaukee County supervisors.
As usual, this entire issue comes down to the taxpayers vs. the government. It is good a government official standing up for the taxpayer.
Good job, Scott Walker!
Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker will veto the entire County Board-approved budget today, contending it overtaxes, overspends and ignores efficiency proposals that could help bail county government out of a looming fiscal crisis.
The unusual and unexpected move apparently will force an up-or-down vote Wednesday that would either leave the board's budget totally intact or force Walker and supervisors to cobble together an alternative spending plan in a few short weeks.
Walker said he took the dramatic step in large part because of County Board budget amendments that restored - with only partial funding - county jobs that he wanted to privatize. That creates a potential $6.5 million shortfall that would force him, Walker believes, to initiate emergency layoffs early in 2007
"This is about protecting the long-term financial security of Milwaukee County," said Walker, also citing the board's decision to delay conceptual approval of his $450 million borrowing plan that in theory could save on pension costs over 30 years.
In a veto message sure to rile supervisors, Walker charged that the County Board was, in effect, acting to "ratify" the controversial 2001 pension-enhancement deal by using tax increases to pay pension benefits rather than approving cost-saving measures and ending duplication of services.
The board is set to meet Wednesday afternoon in a veto session.
Last week, supervisors restored dozens of cuts Walker had proposed in funding for parks, the district attorney's office, sheriff's department, courts and social services. Supervisors soundly rejected nearly all his outsourcing plans. They reversed his decision to greatly reduce the number of county-run pools. Walker says the county has more than enough pools and must modernize the aquatics system so it pays for itself.
By a 14-5 vote, supervisors approved a $1.28 billion budget that added $8.4 million to Walker's zero-levy increase, a 3.6% tax increase. Supervisors said they were protecting safety net and quality of life services and filling holes in a Walker budget plan they saw as unrealistic.
Some key supervisors have accused Walker of overstating the county's financial problems.
I would like to know exactly which county supervisors are actually stating that the county's financial problems are no big deal.
Hmm... I wonder if MJS will give us this info????
Patrick from Badger Blogger sent these links-
You can watch Scott Walker make his veto announcement here.
You might also be interested in board chairman Lee Holloway's comments... The man is clueless.
If you are looking for a list of those that voted to raise our taxes, I have the list here.
Milwaukee County executive went and protected the tax payers again by vetoing the tax increases proposed by the Milwaukee County supervisors.
As usual, this entire issue comes down to the taxpayers vs. the government. It is good a government official standing up for the taxpayer.
Good job, Scott Walker!
Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker will veto the entire County Board-approved budget today, contending it overtaxes, overspends and ignores efficiency proposals that could help bail county government out of a looming fiscal crisis.
The unusual and unexpected move apparently will force an up-or-down vote Wednesday that would either leave the board's budget totally intact or force Walker and supervisors to cobble together an alternative spending plan in a few short weeks.
Walker said he took the dramatic step in large part because of County Board budget amendments that restored - with only partial funding - county jobs that he wanted to privatize. That creates a potential $6.5 million shortfall that would force him, Walker believes, to initiate emergency layoffs early in 2007
"This is about protecting the long-term financial security of Milwaukee County," said Walker, also citing the board's decision to delay conceptual approval of his $450 million borrowing plan that in theory could save on pension costs over 30 years.
In a veto message sure to rile supervisors, Walker charged that the County Board was, in effect, acting to "ratify" the controversial 2001 pension-enhancement deal by using tax increases to pay pension benefits rather than approving cost-saving measures and ending duplication of services.
The board is set to meet Wednesday afternoon in a veto session.
Last week, supervisors restored dozens of cuts Walker had proposed in funding for parks, the district attorney's office, sheriff's department, courts and social services. Supervisors soundly rejected nearly all his outsourcing plans. They reversed his decision to greatly reduce the number of county-run pools. Walker says the county has more than enough pools and must modernize the aquatics system so it pays for itself.
By a 14-5 vote, supervisors approved a $1.28 billion budget that added $8.4 million to Walker's zero-levy increase, a 3.6% tax increase. Supervisors said they were protecting safety net and quality of life services and filling holes in a Walker budget plan they saw as unrealistic.
Some key supervisors have accused Walker of overstating the county's financial problems.
I would like to know exactly which county supervisors are actually stating that the county's financial problems are no big deal.
Hmm... I wonder if MJS will give us this info????
Patrick from Badger Blogger sent these links-
You can watch Scott Walker make his veto announcement here.
You might also be interested in board chairman Lee Holloway's comments... The man is clueless.
If you are looking for a list of those that voted to raise our taxes, I have the list here.
Monday, November 13, 2006
That didn't take long
Less than a week after the elections, Democrats are already signaling that they are ready to cut and run from Iraq.
Democrats Push for Troop Cuts Within Months
Boy, that did not take very long- did it?
Democrats Push for Troop Cuts Within Months
Boy, that did not take very long- did it?
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Thank you to all that have served
Thank you to each and every person who served our country in military service

For a little background on Veteran's Day, visit this site.
It's time to play a offense
Now that things are beginning to settle after Tuesday's elections, the question for conservatives remains-"Where do we go from here?"
It is very simple- we get to play offense.
Clearly, talk show hosts like Charlie Sykes are chomping at the bit. They are ready to go.
Democrats demanded the power- Americans gave them the power.
Now it is time to see how the Democrats plan on handling the terrorists.
It is very simple- we get to play offense.
Clearly, talk show hosts like Charlie Sykes are chomping at the bit. They are ready to go.
Democrats demanded the power- Americans gave them the power.
Now it is time to see how the Democrats plan on handling the terrorists.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Won’t it be nice to finally blame someone else?
If there is one single wonderful thing to come out of this past week’s national elections is that Democrats can no longer blame Republicans for everything.
For example, pork barrel spending is too high. Blame they Democrats, they are in charge. They are now the folks controlling the spending purse.
If you do not like your tax increases, blame the Democrats. Nancy Pelosi has already promised they will repeal Bush’s tax cuts.
Gas prices too high? The Democrats have already promised to go after those evil oil companies. After all, once they repeal all the tax cuts for the oil companies, who gets to pay for all of the new developments? Yes, that is right. You and I get to pay for them.
New drilling and new refineries? As we already know, the Democrats are dead set against anything to do with oil. So, forget about this also. The evil oil companies should not get any richer off new oil wells and new refineries.
Oh, by the way, if a hurricane hits that will be the Democrat’s fault also. Why? I do not know why. Perhaps it is for the same reason that Bush and the Republicans were at fault.
Every single job that heads to China or anywhere overseas- this will be the fault of the Democrats also. Clinton was the one who signed the lovely NAFTA agreement, after all.
Every single terrorist’s attack around the world is certainly not the fault of Republicans anymore. This will be the Democrat’s fault also. They have made it clear they are dead set against listening in to the phone calls or tracing the money of terrorists or even keeping the terrorists off the battlefield and in a prison like Gitmo.
If you do not like government corruption, well that is too bad. This issue is no longer important, the Democrats are in charge now and can trust them to be on the up and up at all times. Do not even bother to ask the question about corruption because the Democrats will keep an eye on the evil Republicans.
Who is going to watch the Democrats? Why the extremely trustworthy Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, of course.
How about the Social Security crisis that we will face in 2008 when all of the baby boomers start retiring? Blame the Democrats, they are now in charge and solely responsible for fixing the problem. Chances are pretty good, the Democrats will raise our taxes to fix the crisis.
If you think the country is being flooded with illegal immigrants, just wait. These are the same folks that want to give money to illegal immigrants for college, homes and medical care. Blame the Democrats.
Medicare problems? Blame the Democrats
Terrorism? Blame the Democrats
North Korea problem? Blame the Democrats
Hamas problems? Blame the Democrats
Iranian problems? Blame the Democrats
Activist judges? Blame the Democrats
Gitmo problems? Blame the Democrats
Does the war in Iraq really bother you? Blame the Democrats- they voted for it.
So does all of this sound completely ridiculous to you? Yes?
The reason it sounds so ridiculous is that it is completely ridiculous.
However, if you step back for just a moment and think about all of the issues that Democrats have blamed on Bush and the Republicans. You will see that this is only a tiny portion of the problems that Democrats have blamed Republicans for.
So, is it totally and completely appropriate for Republicans to start whining, complaining and throw a hissy fit at every possible moment?
No, the Republicans will not be throwing any hissyfits. Nor will they be whining and complaining that they are no longer in power. The Republicans know why they are not in power and they have a responsibility to fix the problems they created for themselves. I have complete confidence that they will fix their own problems.
If truth be told, now the Democrats will answer to the people. For years, the Democrats have been given a pass for unethical behavior and poor governing. Not anymore.
Whether the Democrats like it or not- they now answer to the people directly. George Bush and the Republicans can no longer be their scapegoats.
For example, pork barrel spending is too high. Blame they Democrats, they are in charge. They are now the folks controlling the spending purse.
If you do not like your tax increases, blame the Democrats. Nancy Pelosi has already promised they will repeal Bush’s tax cuts.
Gas prices too high? The Democrats have already promised to go after those evil oil companies. After all, once they repeal all the tax cuts for the oil companies, who gets to pay for all of the new developments? Yes, that is right. You and I get to pay for them.
New drilling and new refineries? As we already know, the Democrats are dead set against anything to do with oil. So, forget about this also. The evil oil companies should not get any richer off new oil wells and new refineries.
Oh, by the way, if a hurricane hits that will be the Democrat’s fault also. Why? I do not know why. Perhaps it is for the same reason that Bush and the Republicans were at fault.
Every single job that heads to China or anywhere overseas- this will be the fault of the Democrats also. Clinton was the one who signed the lovely NAFTA agreement, after all.
Every single terrorist’s attack around the world is certainly not the fault of Republicans anymore. This will be the Democrat’s fault also. They have made it clear they are dead set against listening in to the phone calls or tracing the money of terrorists or even keeping the terrorists off the battlefield and in a prison like Gitmo.
If you do not like government corruption, well that is too bad. This issue is no longer important, the Democrats are in charge now and can trust them to be on the up and up at all times. Do not even bother to ask the question about corruption because the Democrats will keep an eye on the evil Republicans.
Who is going to watch the Democrats? Why the extremely trustworthy Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, of course.
How about the Social Security crisis that we will face in 2008 when all of the baby boomers start retiring? Blame the Democrats, they are now in charge and solely responsible for fixing the problem. Chances are pretty good, the Democrats will raise our taxes to fix the crisis.
If you think the country is being flooded with illegal immigrants, just wait. These are the same folks that want to give money to illegal immigrants for college, homes and medical care. Blame the Democrats.
Medicare problems? Blame the Democrats
Terrorism? Blame the Democrats
North Korea problem? Blame the Democrats
Hamas problems? Blame the Democrats
Iranian problems? Blame the Democrats
Activist judges? Blame the Democrats
Gitmo problems? Blame the Democrats
Does the war in Iraq really bother you? Blame the Democrats- they voted for it.
So does all of this sound completely ridiculous to you? Yes?
The reason it sounds so ridiculous is that it is completely ridiculous.
However, if you step back for just a moment and think about all of the issues that Democrats have blamed on Bush and the Republicans. You will see that this is only a tiny portion of the problems that Democrats have blamed Republicans for.
So, is it totally and completely appropriate for Republicans to start whining, complaining and throw a hissy fit at every possible moment?
No, the Republicans will not be throwing any hissyfits. Nor will they be whining and complaining that they are no longer in power. The Republicans know why they are not in power and they have a responsibility to fix the problems they created for themselves. I have complete confidence that they will fix their own problems.
If truth be told, now the Democrats will answer to the people. For years, the Democrats have been given a pass for unethical behavior and poor governing. Not anymore.
Whether the Democrats like it or not- they now answer to the people directly. George Bush and the Republicans can no longer be their scapegoats.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Leadership problem
One thing is very clear from the elections on Tuesday night.
We have a leadership problem in the Republican party. Whether we like to admit this or not, we have a problem.
I was most struck by the fact that here in Wisconsin, we could not mount any kind of real challenge to the Democrats in our state.
We could not find a credible candidate to run against Kohl.
Worse yet, we only challenged 13 of 39 seats held by the Democrats in our State legislature.
That is pathetic.
We have a leadership problem in the Republican party. Whether we like to admit this or not, we have a problem.
I was most struck by the fact that here in Wisconsin, we could not mount any kind of real challenge to the Democrats in our state.
We could not find a credible candidate to run against Kohl.
Worse yet, we only challenged 13 of 39 seats held by the Democrats in our State legislature.
That is pathetic.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
And for the good news...
I know there is not a lot of good news, but here we go...
JB Van Hollen won. The good news about this is that at least JB will be able to keep an eye on Jim Doyle and his shenanigans.
The #1 local race in Kenosha County was for Sheriff. Dave Beth, the Republican managed to hold this seat. He ran a great race and stayed positive from beginning to end.
State Representative Samantha Kerkman, State Representative Thomas Lothian and State Senator Neal Kedzie all won handily.
JB Van Hollen won. The good news about this is that at least JB will be able to keep an eye on Jim Doyle and his shenanigans.
The #1 local race in Kenosha County was for Sheriff. Dave Beth, the Republican managed to hold this seat. He ran a great race and stayed positive from beginning to end.
State Representative Samantha Kerkman, State Representative Thomas Lothian and State Senator Neal Kedzie all won handily.
Democrats win big
Not only did the Democrats win big in Wisconsin, they won big nationwide.
As Senator Talent from Missouri put it-
"It was not for lack of effort, the headwind was just very, very strong this year," Talent told subdued supporters.
To be sure, the headwind was very strong. Still, I think it was something more.
The national electorate has been saying they are not happy and have not been happy for the last two years. As they should have, the Democrats played on this and won because of it.
Republicans lost their focus on real issues that voters care about. Instead of talking about taxes, immigration and voter ID, we found ourselves talking about stem cell research. To be sure, stem cell research is important, however, this does not drive voters to the polls.
The simple fact is we did not get our message of lower taxes, stopping illegal immigration and fixing the broken voter system out to the public.
It will take a unified message from Republicans and a committement to clean government to right this ship.
As Senator Talent from Missouri put it-
"It was not for lack of effort, the headwind was just very, very strong this year," Talent told subdued supporters.
To be sure, the headwind was very strong. Still, I think it was something more.
The national electorate has been saying they are not happy and have not been happy for the last two years. As they should have, the Democrats played on this and won because of it.
Republicans lost their focus on real issues that voters care about. Instead of talking about taxes, immigration and voter ID, we found ourselves talking about stem cell research. To be sure, stem cell research is important, however, this does not drive voters to the polls.
The simple fact is we did not get our message of lower taxes, stopping illegal immigration and fixing the broken voter system out to the public.
It will take a unified message from Republicans and a committement to clean government to right this ship.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Just go and vote
Just go and vote. Once you have voted- join your local GOTV team.
Polls open at 7:00am and will close at 8:00pm.
I will be casting my vote for a straight Republican ticket.
Mark Green for Governor
JB Van Hollen for Attorney General
Sandy Sullivan for Secretary of State
Jack Voight for State Treasurer
Paul Ryan for US Representative 1st District
David Beth for Kenosha County Sheriff
Brenda Maurer Witthun for Kenosha County Clerk of Courts
Jeff Kehl for Kenosha County Treasurer
to define marriage
Polls open at 7:00am and will close at 8:00pm.
I will be casting my vote for a straight Republican ticket.
Mark Green for Governor
JB Van Hollen for Attorney General
Sandy Sullivan for Secretary of State
Jack Voight for State Treasurer
Paul Ryan for US Representative 1st District
David Beth for Kenosha County Sheriff
Brenda Maurer Witthun for Kenosha County Clerk of Courts
Jeff Kehl for Kenosha County Treasurer
to define marriage
Monday, November 06, 2006
There is reason to keep fighting
I am heading off to the Kenosha GOP headquarters to begin another day in our GOTV efforts.
Like everyone else, I am exhausted.
I did a quick scan of the blogsphere world and noticed Charlie Sykes has some poll numbers up.
For conservatives, there is reason to keep fighting. We can win this thing for Mark Green and all of our other state and local candidates.
Have a good day everyone and keep fighting for your conservative values.
Like everyone else, I am exhausted.
I did a quick scan of the blogsphere world and noticed Charlie Sykes has some poll numbers up.
For conservatives, there is reason to keep fighting. We can win this thing for Mark Green and all of our other state and local candidates.
Have a good day everyone and keep fighting for your conservative values.
Saddam sentenced to death
Over the last several weeks, I have been studying the death penalty and trying to decide how I will vote on the death penalty in this week's election.
Then I saw this-
Saddam sentenced to hang
Now I find myself rejoicing for the Iraqi people.
They will have their justice against Saddam. They have been thru so much. Years and years of torture and repression under Saddam's rule.
Now Saddam will face the Iraqi people and answer for his crimes.
The Iraqi people have sentenced Saddam to death.
Even though I still have reservation about the death penalty, there are just crimes that are committed that deserve nothing less than death for the criminal.
Then I saw this-
Saddam sentenced to hang
Now I find myself rejoicing for the Iraqi people.
They will have their justice against Saddam. They have been thru so much. Years and years of torture and repression under Saddam's rule.
Now Saddam will face the Iraqi people and answer for his crimes.
The Iraqi people have sentenced Saddam to death.
Even though I still have reservation about the death penalty, there are just crimes that are committed that deserve nothing less than death for the criminal.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Mark Green in Kenosha
****Special Alert****
Mark Green
As his “Let’s Make Wisconsin Great Again” Tour
visits Kenosha with AG Candidate JB Van Hollen!
We will be watching the game at the
Birchwood Grill
7515 125th Avenue, Kenosha
This Sunday! Party begins at 12:00pm
Afterwards meet Brad Courtney, Republican Party of Wisconsin Chairman, at the Kenosha County Republican Phone Bank!
The Phone
Bank will be at the
Best Western Harborside Inn,
5125 6th Avenue,
Where we will be calling until 9pm, so stop by anytime!
Mark Green
As his “Let’s Make Wisconsin Great Again” Tour
visits Kenosha with AG Candidate JB Van Hollen!
We will be watching the game at the
Birchwood Grill
7515 125th Avenue, Kenosha
This Sunday! Party begins at 12:00pm
Afterwards meet Brad Courtney, Republican Party of Wisconsin Chairman, at the Kenosha County Republican Phone Bank!
The Phone
Bank will be at the
Best Western Harborside Inn,
5125 6th Avenue,
Where we will be calling until 9pm, so stop by anytime!
Contradictions in reporting
It is rather interesting watching the reporting of the MSM this weekend. Talk about a contradictions in reporting:
Newsweek states: Poll: GOP losing ground
Washington Post states: GOP narrows gap to 6 points in generic ballot
In another contradiction:
The Economist states: America's economy- something to cheer
The New York Times states: The Economy cool: Is recession inevitable?
Newsweek states: Poll: GOP losing ground
Washington Post states: GOP narrows gap to 6 points in generic ballot
In another contradiction:
The Economist states: America's economy- something to cheer
The New York Times states: The Economy cool: Is recession inevitable?
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Cheer the Packers and Mark Green on to Victory
Cheer the Packers and Mark Green on to Victory
7515- 125TH AVE
Edited to add: An poster alerted me to the fact that JB Van Hollen will also be at the Birchwood Grill on November 5th between 2:00 and 2:45.
This is great news. Feel free to invite friends and family. Pizza will be provided at half-time!
7515- 125TH AVE
Edited to add: An poster alerted me to the fact that JB Van Hollen will also be at the Birchwood Grill on November 5th between 2:00 and 2:45.
This is great news. Feel free to invite friends and family. Pizza will be provided at half-time!
Some interesting stories....
Since it is a extremely busy weekend for all of us, I just wanted to post a few links to some interesting stories...
JB Van Hollen is suing the Falk campaign
I just cannot get enough of this next story:
Thanks to Charlie Sykes for posting the now famous photo-

And a story from Newbusters about Matt Lauer and MSM bias:
Lauer: Shame On Dems For Not Sticking Up For Kerry
Have a great weekend everyone.
Friday, November 03, 2006
A ringing endorsement...
Okay, so it is not exactly a ringing endorsement. In fact, it is not really an endorsement at all.
In what appears to be a painful editorial by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, they grudgingly acknowledge that Mark Green might be a smidge better at improving the business climate in Wisconsin than Governor Doyle.
In the end, Wisconsin needs a cohesive strategy from state government that works hand in hand with businesses and regional efforts. Neither candidate has proposed an adequate plan to do that, but Green's is the better of the two.
Of course, they really pushed the fact that Doyle has really, really tried to improve the business climate, but it appears to not be working as well as Doyle had hoped(failures are to blamed on the Republicans in the legislature)-
Furthermore, a troubling audit last summer showed that Wisconsin has dozens of economic development programs that are not centralized, overlap and sometimes don't get much bang for the buck. Doyle inherited this mess and, to his credit, made attempts to fix it but was rebuffed by a highly partisan and GOP-controlled Legislature.
However slanted this may be, it is good to finally see the MJS editorial board recognize that business climate in Wisconsin, goes hand in hand with the out of control tax climate in Wisconsin.
Still, this state remains overly regulated; it ranked a dismal 42nd in that category in a Forbes magazine survey this year. And Wisconsin ranked sixth in tax burden among the 50 states; eighth when state fees were included, according to the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance. Though we oppose a taxpayer protection amendment, which Green supports, there is no doubt taxes are "the elephant in the room," as the outspoken boss of Waukesha's RedPrairie Corp., John Jazwiec, has said repeatedly.
After reading this article, you can clearly see how painful this was for the MJS editorial board.
In what appears to be a painful editorial by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, they grudgingly acknowledge that Mark Green might be a smidge better at improving the business climate in Wisconsin than Governor Doyle.
In the end, Wisconsin needs a cohesive strategy from state government that works hand in hand with businesses and regional efforts. Neither candidate has proposed an adequate plan to do that, but Green's is the better of the two.
Of course, they really pushed the fact that Doyle has really, really tried to improve the business climate, but it appears to not be working as well as Doyle had hoped(failures are to blamed on the Republicans in the legislature)-
Furthermore, a troubling audit last summer showed that Wisconsin has dozens of economic development programs that are not centralized, overlap and sometimes don't get much bang for the buck. Doyle inherited this mess and, to his credit, made attempts to fix it but was rebuffed by a highly partisan and GOP-controlled Legislature.
However slanted this may be, it is good to finally see the MJS editorial board recognize that business climate in Wisconsin, goes hand in hand with the out of control tax climate in Wisconsin.
Still, this state remains overly regulated; it ranked a dismal 42nd in that category in a Forbes magazine survey this year. And Wisconsin ranked sixth in tax burden among the 50 states; eighth when state fees were included, according to the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance. Though we oppose a taxpayer protection amendment, which Green supports, there is no doubt taxes are "the elephant in the room," as the outspoken boss of Waukesha's RedPrairie Corp., John Jazwiec, has said repeatedly.
After reading this article, you can clearly see how painful this was for the MJS editorial board.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
11,000 criminals off of the streets
I can only imagine the type of manpower and organization it took to pull this off-
Nearly 11,000 sex offenders, gang members and other fugitives were swept up in what the Justice Department yesterday called a sting targeting the "worst of the worst" criminals on the run.
Last week's roundup, led by the U.S. Marshals Service, included Allen Marksberry, an unregistered sex offender in Rickman, Tenn., who was baby-sitting several young children when he was arrested on Oct. 24.
Also nabbed were Demetrius Avery Jackson, an accused cop killer in Birmingham, Ala., and Eric Dewayne Meneese, a Crips gang member, in Nashville, Tenn.
The weeklong sting, code-named Operation Falcon III, also led to the shooting death of a Georgia fugitive who was killed by authorities as he came out of his house, officials said. Additionally, the mother of a fugitive in Florida fired at -- but missed -- police approaching her home. Both incidents are under investigation, said John F. Clark, director of the Marshals Service.
The roundup, in 24 states east of the Mississippi River, targeted "the worst of the worst fugitive felons in the country," Attorney General Albert Gonzales said at a District press conference.
"America's neighborhoods are safer today, thanks to Operation Falcon III," Mr. Gonzales said.
Two earlier stings -- Falcons I and II -- were held in April over the past two years. Mr. Gonzales and Mr. Clark denied that next week's elections played any part in scheduling the latest crackdown.
"I can assure you that the coordination of getting 3,000-plus officers and agents and everybody together to do this just takes a lot of coordination," Mr. Clark said.
In all, Mr. Gonzales said officials caught 10,733 fugitives -- including 1,659 sex offenders, 364 gang members and thousands of others sought on kidnapping, robbery, burglary, carjacking and weapons charges. More than 230 weapons were seized.
Those totals represent a fraction of doors knocked on, liquor store drive-bys, construction site surveillances and tips chased down by agents during the weeklong sweep. Finding the fugitives -- even at their homes in the early-morning hours -- proved to be a hit-or-miss mission for federal, state and local authorities.
A six-hour sting in the District last week, for example, netted none of the accused drug dealers sought by a team of seven agents from the U.S. Marshals Service; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; State Department; and the Metropolitan Police Department.
"He was there a week or so ago," muttered Marshals Inspector Robert Hoffmaster after a pre-daybreak search of a house for an accused drug dealer.
Of the sex offenders nabbed, 971 had failed to register with authorities as required by law -- what Mr. Gonzales called the largest number ever captured in a single law enforcement effort.
Nearly 11,000 sex offenders, gang members and other fugitives were swept up in what the Justice Department yesterday called a sting targeting the "worst of the worst" criminals on the run.
Last week's roundup, led by the U.S. Marshals Service, included Allen Marksberry, an unregistered sex offender in Rickman, Tenn., who was baby-sitting several young children when he was arrested on Oct. 24.
Also nabbed were Demetrius Avery Jackson, an accused cop killer in Birmingham, Ala., and Eric Dewayne Meneese, a Crips gang member, in Nashville, Tenn.
The weeklong sting, code-named Operation Falcon III, also led to the shooting death of a Georgia fugitive who was killed by authorities as he came out of his house, officials said. Additionally, the mother of a fugitive in Florida fired at -- but missed -- police approaching her home. Both incidents are under investigation, said John F. Clark, director of the Marshals Service.
The roundup, in 24 states east of the Mississippi River, targeted "the worst of the worst fugitive felons in the country," Attorney General Albert Gonzales said at a District press conference.
"America's neighborhoods are safer today, thanks to Operation Falcon III," Mr. Gonzales said.
Two earlier stings -- Falcons I and II -- were held in April over the past two years. Mr. Gonzales and Mr. Clark denied that next week's elections played any part in scheduling the latest crackdown.
"I can assure you that the coordination of getting 3,000-plus officers and agents and everybody together to do this just takes a lot of coordination," Mr. Clark said.
In all, Mr. Gonzales said officials caught 10,733 fugitives -- including 1,659 sex offenders, 364 gang members and thousands of others sought on kidnapping, robbery, burglary, carjacking and weapons charges. More than 230 weapons were seized.
Those totals represent a fraction of doors knocked on, liquor store drive-bys, construction site surveillances and tips chased down by agents during the weeklong sweep. Finding the fugitives -- even at their homes in the early-morning hours -- proved to be a hit-or-miss mission for federal, state and local authorities.
A six-hour sting in the District last week, for example, netted none of the accused drug dealers sought by a team of seven agents from the U.S. Marshals Service; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; State Department; and the Metropolitan Police Department.
"He was there a week or so ago," muttered Marshals Inspector Robert Hoffmaster after a pre-daybreak search of a house for an accused drug dealer.
Of the sex offenders nabbed, 971 had failed to register with authorities as required by law -- what Mr. Gonzales called the largest number ever captured in a single law enforcement effort.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Massachusetts’ botched joke
I am thinking that this writer for the Boston Herald is not thrilled that their Senator has once again, stepped in it.
Boston Herald's Jules Crittenden-
John Kerry says he’s sorry he botched his joke about Iraq, and now he has apologized to anyone who was offended. He meant to make fun of the president of the United States, not the soldiers. It wasn’t very funny that way, either. The wags have already noted that Bush in fact performed better than Kerry at Yale. None of this would be more than a momentary embarrassment. But the botched joke we’re stuck with in Massachusetts and the nation as a whole is a backbencher’s lackluster career that was elevated far beyond his worth and his failure to recognize that he is irrelevant on the national stage.
Just so you know, this is all George Bush's and the Republican's fault.
Boston Herald's Jules Crittenden-
John Kerry says he’s sorry he botched his joke about Iraq, and now he has apologized to anyone who was offended. He meant to make fun of the president of the United States, not the soldiers. It wasn’t very funny that way, either. The wags have already noted that Bush in fact performed better than Kerry at Yale. None of this would be more than a momentary embarrassment. But the botched joke we’re stuck with in Massachusetts and the nation as a whole is a backbencher’s lackluster career that was elevated far beyond his worth and his failure to recognize that he is irrelevant on the national stage.
Just so you know, this is all George Bush's and the Republican's fault.
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