Found this nifty little chart on AOL.
Here is what all of the letters mean:
A) Obama budget predicts that the unemployment rate for 2009 will be 8.1 percent (actual rate is 9.3 percent), and says it will be 7.9 percent in 2010 (average so far: 9.7 percent). -- Feb. 26, 2009
B) Fed Chairman Bernanke says he sees "green shoots" of U.S. recovery, which, he said, would "pick up steam" next year. -- March 15, 2009
C) Obama says, "We are beginning to see glimmers of hope." -- April 14, 2009
D) CNN reports that "Job Recovery May Be on the Way." -- May 18, 2009
E) Jeffrey Kling of the Brookings Institution says, "It seems clear the U.S. economy has turned a corner." -- June 5, 2009
F) Bernanke says recovery is under way and "prospects for a return to growth in the near term appear good." -- Sept. 16, 2009
G) Obama says, "We are seeing the corner turn on the economy growing again." -- Feb. 7, 2010
H) Obama says, "The worst of the storm is over. ... We are beginning to turn the corner." -- April 3, 2010
I) Obama says, "The economy is getting stronger by the day." -- June 4, 2010
I) Vice President Joe Biden dubs the months ahead "Recovery Summer," and David Axelrod adds that "this summer will be the most active Recovery Act season yet." -- June 17, 2010
I) Obama declares the economic recovery is "well under way." -- June 29, 2010
J) White House press secretary Robert Gibbs says, "The economy is getting stronger." -- July 8, 2010