Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It was the media

I made this same argument last week.

The media created Barack Obama and then got him elected. Now the ignorance of the people on very basic issues that should have decided this election is now shining through. The Obama folks apparently do not like to made to look like fools.

As a result Ziegler’s email inbox has been flooded with profanity-laced emails accusing him of racism, bigotry and hate mongering. (He submitted 25 of these emails for my review, but many of them are unprintable.) “Whoever started this sight [sic] is a racist!” one email sent from someone identified as Andrea Gurule said. “What? You couldn’t handle a black man beating out a white man?! The man is qualified. More so than John McCain. Regardless, He’s your president. Get over it!”

From Amanda Carpenter at Town Hall:

Ziegler said he didn’t originally conduct such poll for McCain voters because his documentary is focusing on how Obama got elected, not McCain. He will likely include the McCain poll results in the film and along with more detail about the outcry over his original poll.
“All this controversy proves the overriding premise” that the media helped Obama get elected Ziegler said.

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