Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Wisconsin State Employees Union demanding tax increases

I received this via email. Apparently, this union is just having a ball bashing Republicans. Who is the Local 2748?

Why, they are affiliated with the Wisconsin State Employees Union. Here is their web site.

From: 4info@local2748.org [mailto:4info@local2748.org]
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2007 1:17 PM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Real CUTS, Real PEOPLE, Real PAIN! - Join Us for a Rally


Its Rally Time! <http://capwiz.com/wseu-sepac/utr/1/LNISHRQAJS/HCDZHRQALW/1463098136&g
t; Take Action!
We need you, your family, and your co-workers

A day to stand up, keep fighting and be counted!
Be on hand to welcome members of the anti tax crowd to the state Capitol on Wednesday,
October 17th, 10:00am - 2:00pm.
Anti-government zealots calling themselves "Americans for Prosperity" (the
people behind TABOR) have bought billboards in metro areas and will rent buses to bring
their followers to Madison. Right wing bloggers and radio squawkers are loudly promoting
the event. Their effort is aimed squarely at public services. Their goal is to fan
anti-tax flames and encourage Republican members of the State Assembly to continue
blocking the long-overdue state budget.
Many GOP Assembly representatives have put out press releases claiming Wisconsin can
survive without a new state budget just fine. (Under this scenario, the state would
operate under the old budget, which doesn't account for increasing costs such as energy
and health care. Without a new budget, these higher costs would have to be offset by
severe cuts to public services and elimination of jobs).
There are real consequences when the legislature fails to do its main job, which is to
pass a new budget every two years.
School funding, the UW System, local government aid, corrections operations, Medicaid
funding, state employee contract negotiations and much more is at stake. Most recently,
Governor Doyle warned that without a new budget, state employees could face layoffs.
In the interest of getting the job done, Democrats who control the State Senate and the
Governor's office have made many compromises. They realize there is a steep cost to the
state if a budget does not get done. By refusing to work on a budget compromise,
Republicans in the Assembly are refusing to do their jobs. If you don't do your job, you
shouldn't keep your job.
Download, print and distribute this event flyer.
<http://capwiz.com/wseu-sepac/utr/1/LNISHRQAJS/MVWTHRQALX/1463098136> http://www.wseu-sepac.org/flyers/flyer_capitolrally_20071017.pdf
Checkout the Rally webpage at the SEPAC website. The Rally page contains pertinent
information and will contain information related to the bus schedules, as they become
<http://capwiz.com/wseu-sepac/utr/1/LNISHRQAJS/IUYMHRQALY/1463098136> http://www.wseu-sepac.org/rally_capitolgrounds_20071017.htm
Thanks for your support and we hope to see you on Wednesday, October 17th.


If you no longer wish to receive e-mail from us, please click here <http://capwiz.com/wseu-sepac/lmx/u/?jobid=91219692&queueid=1463098136> .

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