Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Crandon: Where were the police?

A killer was on the loose in their community, he showed up at a friend's house, who called 911 over and over again, nobody showed up.

For hours and hours this took place. Numerous phone calls were made to 911, starting as early as 7:30 am.

According to MJS-

Kegley's wife, Mary, discreetly called 911. She and her son, a lifelong friend of Peterson's, coaxed the work-issued assault rifle he had proudly shown off just days earlier from his hand. He wouldn't part with his police-issued pistol, though.


So Kegley hid several guns around his property, just in case he needed them to defend himself.

Again, they called 911

And again:

Peterson said he had called all the victims' families to say how sorry he was. He talked about what he should do, how he would surrender only to his boss, Crandon Police Chief John Dennee, and how he wanted to speak with District Attorney Leon Stenz.

The Kegleys again quietly called 911.

And again 10:30am:

Kegley owns a construction and roofing company housed on his property. Three of his workers were at the house, and as Peterson lingered, they called 911 "as many as 20 times," Kegley said.

Sometime around 10:30 a.m. when there was still no apparent sign of police, Mike Kegley left the house to "find out where the hell they were," he said.

The police had finally arrived and still made no attempt to get the killer, with more 911 calls:

Kegley met up with law enforcement agents down the road from his home, drew them maps of his property, the buildings and where Peterson had been talking to his son. Kegley and his wife were told they could not return to the house.

Law enforcement agents, by the dozens, fanned out around his property - but apparently made no attempt to actually get Peterson.

Authorities said Monday they established contact with Peterson, and Dennee did talk to him.

At some point, Peterson climbed into the back of his pickup truck and went to sleep.

Kegley's workers again called 911. Still no law enforcement officers tried to apprehend him.

It appears that 911 was called several dozen times before anyone attempted to get this situation under control.

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