Tuesday, September 05, 2006


For your reading pleasure, this post was aimed at me yesterday. Check out what this real grown up wrote:
Your support for Paul Bucher as AG is disgusting. You're another sheepish American who would willingly give up all your rights and fredoms to the big bad government. Hey genius do you realize what slippery slope we are moving down if you allow sobriety check points? Bigger government bigger police WOW how conservative.. You're a neo-con shill and I will expose you chump. This is just the begining!

Who is this brave soul that is out to get me? Who is the tough talking person that intends to stalk this blog?

Who knows? This tough person was too chicken to post under his or her own name. They posted as anonymous.

Pretty tough cookie, huh?

By the way, please be advised that just because you post, as an anonymous poster does not mean that you are anonymous. Every time you log on to the internet, your anonymity disappears. Millions of eyes are watching you. WOW- talk about big government!!!

On this website alone, it is very easy to find out who you are. Blogger.com, Technorati, Site Meter and Yahoo all are tracking you on this site.

Boy, September 13 cannot come soon enough. I am getting awful tired of this garbage.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Ya ever notice that most of the nasty mouthed moonbats are named Anonymous?

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