Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Remember when Doyle raided the Physicians' Fund? Guess what?

In order to balance his 2007 budget, Governor Doyle raided $200 million out of the Physicians' Fund. This fund was managed by the state, but not one dime of that money belonged to the state. Governor Doyle took the money anyway.

This was not a state fund. Doctors take money out of their own pockets and place money into this fund just in case their medical malpractice insurance does not cover the balance of the medical malpractice law suits. The money in the fund actually belongs to the doctors who deposited it. Doyle took $200 million.

As a result of the raid, the fund balance is -$109 million. The fund is not only dry but is now running a negative balance.

Just to add insult to the already injured doctors, Doyle's latest budget pads the paychecks of his buddies, the trial lawyers. Governor Doyle's latest budget removed the caps for medical malpractice lawsuit.

Now which Republicans voted for that 2007 budget, when we controlled the Assembly???

Found it:

Republicans voting yes (23): Ballweg; Davis; J. Fitzgerald; Friske; Hahn; Hines; Huebsch; Meyer; Moulton; Mursau; Murtha; Musser; Nerison; Ott, A.; Petersen; Petrowski; Rhoades; Suder; Tauchen; Townsend; Van Roy; Williams, M.; Wood

Both of the Republicans in Kenosha County voted no in 2007: Kerkman and Lothian

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