Thursday, January 14, 2010

A miserable week for the President's poll numbers

This week as been interesting. Each day the White House has rolled out of bed, they have had to face another monumental announcement on a new horrible poll that has been released:

Monday: CBS Poll "Obama's approval rating dips to a new low" 46% approval rating

Tuesday: CNN Poll "Americans split on success of Obama Presidency" 48% disapprove 47% Approve

Wednesday: Gallup Poll "President Obama at all time lows in handling of economy, health care"

Economy 56% disapprove 40% approve

Health Care 58% disapprove 37% approve

Quinnpiac Poll: "Obama approval at 45%"

Thursday: Allstate/National Journal Poll "Majority would vote against Obama" 50% of Americans would vote against Obama, 39% of Americans would vote to re-elect Obama

Perhaps tomorrow morning, the White House should just stay in bed. Things could not get worse if they stay in bed, right?

1 comment:

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