Monday, January 04, 2010

CNN: Biased?

Now do not go accusing CNN of being biased, they are, silly?

DGA beats RGA in 2009
Posted: January 4th, 2010 03:29 PM ET

From CNN Political Producer Alexander Mooney

(CNN) – The Democratic and Republican Governor's Associations both said Monday that they had broken their own one-year fundraising records, though the GOP is headed into the New Year with the clear financial advantage.

The DGA raised just over $23.1 million in 2009, the organization announced, and currently holds $17.5 million cash-on-hand. The group says its cash-on-hand figure is nearly 12 times as much as it had during the same period in 2010.

Republicans meanwhile have $30 million in 2009, and begin 2010 with $25 million cash-on-hand. That record-breaking figure comes on the heels of gubernatorial victories for the GOP in Virginia and New Jersey.

The RGA is in a significantly healthier position than it was at this point in 2006, when the organization only had $4 million cash on hand.

Filed under: DGA • RGA

Call me silly, but I think the $30 million raised by the RGA is more than the $23.1 million raised by DGA.

Call me even more silly in thinking the RGA's cash of hand is $25 million is more than the DGA's $17.5 million.

I think the point the CNN goofs are trying to make is that the DGA has more cash on hand as they head into a year where they will get their butts whooped than the RGA had on hand in 2006 when they did get their butts whooped.

Hey CNN, how many people really care about that or that the RGA has a significant lead is money going into a year when things do not look good for the Dem governors?

Seriously, the headline does not meet the reality of today.

H/T Juston Johnson Twitter

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