Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Wow- Dems paying for third party robocalls

Apparently the Dems do not feel they can honestly win in New Jersey, so they have started paying for third party robocalls.

Of course, the Dems denied it until they got caught, then called it an innocent mistake.

The Democratic State Committee now admits paying for a robocall to Somerset County voters that slams Republican Chris Christie and promotes independent gubernatorial candidate Christopher Daggett.

A Democratic spokeswoman says the party’s chairman, Joe Cryan, was not aware of the robocalls when he denied that the state committee had anything to do with them yesterday afternoon.

Cryan, who told PolitickerNJ.com yesterday afternoon that the Democratic State Committee had “absolutely” nothing to do with the call, could not immediately be reached for comment.

The call angered Republicans and further fueled conspiracy theories that Daggett is in cahoots with the Corzine camp. A disclaimer at the end says it was paid for by Victory ’09, “a project of the NJDSC” (Democratic State Committee), and gave the committee’s Trenton address.


I am a little curious as to why the head of the Dem Party in NJ knew nothing about the calls when it is his committee that bought and paid for them.

I suppose it is possible he did not know, but doesn't someone have to sign off on these???

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