Tuesday, October 06, 2009

What is wrong with Lee Holloway?

Isn't the race baiting shtick getting a little old?

For no apparent reason, Holloway lashed out at County Exec Scott Walker again.

Milwaukee County Board Chairman Lee Holloway unleashed a biting critique of County Executive Scott Walker on Monday, referring to him as a "Howdy Doody" puppet and a David Duke-style politician.

Walker "reminds me of a David Duke - he's good looking, he's smooth talking. (Walker) says he's not part of any race baiting; David Duke says the same thing," Holloway said.

Howdy Doody was a 1950s-era children's TV show character. Duke is a former Ku Klux Klan leader and former member of the Louisiana Legislature.

Holloway, who is black, said later he wasn't accusing Walker of racism. But the County Board chairman said Citizens for Responsible Government had engaged in race baiting with advertisements that used a photo of Holloway. Citizens for Responsible Government played host to a rally Sunday in support of Walker's 2010 budget with Walker as the featured speaker.

CRG sponsored radio ads, fliers and automated phone calls in support of Walker's latest budget and the rally. The CRG flier said "politicians like Milwaukee County Board Chairman Lee Holloway want to raise our property taxes to fuel their out-of-control spending."

What part of the CRG flier was racist?

Saying that "politicians like Milwaukee County Board Chairman Lee Holloway want to raise our property taxes to fuel their out-of-control spending" is now racist?

Good grief.

For that, Lee Holloway calls Scott Walker "howdy doody and David Duke"?

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