Monday, October 12, 2009

President Obama...You are not going to do this to my mom and dad


If you were re-thinking your position on Obama's health care reform, check out this story coming out of the UK today. If you read the comments, this kind of stuff is happening way too often all over the world on a daily basis. Somewhere in the world today, some government bureaucrat is pulling the plug on grandma.

Times Online

AN 80-year-old grandmother who doctors identified as terminally ill and left to starve to death has recovered after her outraged daughter intervened.

Hazel Fenton, from East Sussex, is alive nine months after medics ruled she had only days to live, withdrew her antibiotics and denied her artificial feeding. The former school matron had been placed on a controversial care plan intended to ease the last days of dying patients.

Obama's mocking of the Sarah Palin's death panels just took another hit.

How can President Obama or any other Democrat believe that this way of thinking is okay.

Obama likes to talk about his grandmother and the heartwrenching decisions the family made on her behalf, and they are tough decisions. But it was a decision made by the family, not be government bureaucrats.

The idea that I am going to allow President Obama or any other Democrat to decide what choice is best for my mom or dad is ludicrous.

Fight the Democrats "health care reform"! Do not place your life and death decisions into the hands of the government!

Hat Tip Vicki McKenna on Facebook

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