Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fox News/Dynamics Poll devastating to ObamaCare

Some more devastating results from polling. Of course this poll like the others is skewed towards Democrats, so the final numbers are once again off base. That is okay, I think this entire debate has more to do with Independents than anything else.

Here is a link to the poll, but I am only listing the questions and the response from Independents only. Feel free to check out the final numbers or responses from Democrats and Republicans yourself by following the link.

Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as president?
Approve Disapprove (DK)
Independents 51% 42 7

January's results

Independents 64% 16 19

Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing on the following issues?


Approve Disapprove (DK)
Independents 35% 53 % 11%

The Economy

Approve Disapprove (DK)
Independents 50% 44 % 6%

Approve Disapprove (DK)
Independents 50% 44 % 6%

Do you approve or disapprove of the job Congress is doing?

Approve Disapprove (DK)
Independents 24% 68 % 9%

These days, how much attention do you feel Congress pays to what regularAmericans think when it decides what to do -- a great deal, some, not much ornone at all?
A great deal / Some/ Not much / None at all / (Don’t know)

Independents 3% / 27 % / 41% / 26% / 3%

Since January of this year, do you think the country has become more unitedor more divided?
More United/ More Divided / Same/No Change/ (DK)
Independents 23%/ 60%/ 14% / 3%

In the next congressional election in 2010, are you more likely to: SCALE: 1. Vote for the Democrat to help Barack Obama pass his policies and programs 2. Vote for the Republican to provide a check on Obama's power 3. (Too soon to say)4. (Don't know/Refused)

Democrat / Republican/ Too Soon/ (DK/Refused)
Independents 29% / 28% / 36% / 7%

Do you think Barack Obama is a new kind of politician or is he a typicalpolitician?

New Kind / Typical / (DK)

Independents 46% / 46% / 7%

What do you think the president should be spending more time on right now -- fixing the economy or reforming health care?

Fixing Economy/ Reforming Health Care/(Both Equally)/ (Don't know)

Independents 63%/ 10/ 25/ 2

All in all, do you think the actions Barack Obama has taken since becoming president have helped or hurt the nation's economy, or have they not made much of a difference?

Helped/ Hurt / Not much difference / (Don’t know)

Independents 39%/ 24/ 33 / 5

Which one of the following best describes your current financial situation?

Getting ahead/Just able to pay most bills /Falling behind/(Don’t know/Refused)

Independents 23%/ 56 / 18 / 2

Do you think the government's recent takeovers of sections of private industries such as in the banking industry, the insurance industry and the auto industry were a good idea or a bad idea?

Good idea/ Bad idea / Mixed / (DK)

Independents 23%/ 58 / 15 / 4

Do you think the Obama administration is proposing too many major policychanges, not enough policy changes, or about the right amount?

Too many/ Not enough/ About right/ (Don’t know)

Independents 52%/ 10 / 33 / 5

Do you think the Obama administration is proposing too much of an increase in government spending, not enough of an increase, or about the right amount?

Too Much/ Not Enough/ About right/ (DK)

Independents 61%/ 7%/ 29%/ 4%

Do you think it is possible the country -- meaning the United States government -- could go bankrupt?

Yes/ No/ Don't Know

Independents 73%/ 24/ 3

Thinking about Barack Obama's policies, some people say [A:those who oppose Obama's policies are mostly motivated by racism], while others say [B: opposition to Obama's policies is based on honest disagreements] --which comes closer to your view?

Honest Disagreements/ Racist/ Both/ Don't Know
Independents 69%/ 13/ 13/ 5

Based on what you know about the health care reform legislation being considered right now, do you favor or oppose the plan?

Favor/ Oppose/ (Don't Know)

Independents 31%/ 55% / 14%

Do you think senior citizens would be better off or worse off under the health care reforms being considered by Congress or would the reforms not make much of a difference to most elderly Americans across the country?
Better off/ Worse off/ No difference / (Don't know)

Independents 15%/ 36%/ 31%/ 18%

Do you think you and your family would be better off or worse off under the health care reforms being considered or would the reforms not make much of a difference to your family?

Better off/ Worse off/ No difference / (Don't know)
Independents 17%/ 46%/ 31%/ 7%

Which would you prefer -- the current health care system or the health care plan proposed by President Obama?

Current system/ President Obama's plan/ Don't Know

Independents 49%/ 31 /19

Some Americans choose not to buy health insurance even though they can afford it. Do you think the government should be able to require all Americans who can afford it to have some form of health insurance, even if they don't want it?

Yes/ No/ Don't Know

Independents 41%/ 57%/ 3%

If you were sick or seriously ill, would you rather be covered by a government-run health insurance plan or a privately-run health insurance plan?

Government-run/ Privately-run/ (Either)/ (Don't know)

Independents 16%/ 64%/ 11%/ 9%

President Obama says his health care plan will not add one dime to the deficit today or in the future -- do you believe this is possible, or not?

Yes, possible/ No, not possible/ (Don't know)

Independents 21%/ 75%/ 4%

President Obama says under his health care plan if you have health coverage you like that you won't have to make a change if you don't want to -- do you believe this will be the case, or do you believe you'll probably have to make some changes?

Believe/ Don't believe/ Don't Know

Independents 32%/ 63% / 5%

If a government-run health insurance plan or the so-called "public plan" became law, do you think it would eventually put private health insurance companies out of business?

Yes/ No/ Don't Know
Independents 56%/ 38%/ 6%

When you think about politics, do you think of yourself as a Democrat or a Republican?

Democrat/ Republican/ (Independent)/ (Other)/(Refused/Don’t know)

42%/ 31 /21 / 4/ 3

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