Monday, August 24, 2009

Yep- the Democrats are lining up to crash Congressman Paul Ryan's townhalls

The Democrats in Wisconsin, Organizing for America and some other group are attempting to get their supporters to crash Congressman Paul Ryan's townhall meetings.

I know that Vicki McKenna spoke on their efforts of the Democrats on her show this morning, and RedState has an article up on it.

Here is the lovely email sent out by Kelly Gallaher of Obama's Organizing for America.

I am receiving Twitter updates from a couple of folks at the today's townhalls.

First, Casey Himebauch says of the first townhall that OFA officials are calling the townhall a "pep rally for Paul Ryan".

According to GopGal, she is calling OFA's efforts an Epic Fail.

Casey and GopGal are also at the second townhall in North Prairie.

GopGal reports: Listening session @reppaulryan Do you want your medical decisions in the hands of unelected bureaucrats? CROWD: No!!!!!!!

Casey reports:
North Prairie @reppaulryan Town Hall a constituent asks if people in Washington own a calculator-

So far, Congressman Ryan was a hit at the first two of his townhall meetings. Even though both the Democrats and Organizing for America made a concerted effort to crash these and us them to bash Congressman Ryan, it did not work.

However, the real tests will be tomorrow in Kenosha and on Thursday in Racine.

On August 27th, Congressman Ryan is going to have one townhall in Racine, WI, from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Ms. Gallaher writes, “For the Racine session, which runs until 2:30, we have reserved the room until 5pm, so the session can continue with or without Paul Ryan. (That is a bit of secret, so don’t tell Paul Ryan!)

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