Friday, July 17, 2009

We are buying trains?

This was Governor Doyle's big announcement????

We are buying two trains for $47 million dollars????

Can someone explain why?

The new trains will be tooling around on the Hiawatha line, that already exists????


Wisconsin will purchase two trains from a Spanish manufacturer that plans to establish assembly and maintenance facilities in the state, Gov. Jim Doyle announced Friday morning.

Talgo Inc. is expected to create about 80 manufacturing and maintenance jobs in Wisconsin.

Locations of the assembly and maintenance facilities haven't been chosen yet, but a statement from Doyle said they're likely to be located in south-central or southeastern Wisconsin. Antonio Perez, chief executive officer and president of Talgo Inc., the company's U.S. subsidiary, said it has scouted locations in Janesville and Milwaukee.

The two 14-car Talgo train sets, which will cost the state $47 million, will replace cars now used on Amtrak's Milwaukee-to-Chicago Hiawatha Service. They will boost the capacity of each Hiawatha train from 350 to 420 passengers. Hiawatha ridership jumped 24% last year, to 766,167

Er...We cannot fill the Hiawatha line as it is, but we are going to invest another $47 Million?

Who's bright idea was it to use taxpayer funds to buy two trains we do not need and place it on a failing rail line???

Oh that is right, it is Governor Doyle's not so bright idea.

Sorry, but creating 80 jobs is not a good enough reason to buy two trains we do not need. Let's see, $47 million divided by 80 jobs equals $587,500 a piece. Oh my goodness! 80 jobs, that's it!

PS. Why won't the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel post the actually cost for the trains
($47 Million)????

Oh, I can answer that is because the liberal newspaper does not want you to actually know how much you will be spending for these new jobs.

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