Sunday, June 14, 2009

Web-a-thon to help Gov. Palin retire debt against frivolous ethics charges

A special fund was set up by Gov. Palin to help her retire the $500,000 worth of attorney's fees.

Alaska's left-o-sphere took advantage of every single person living in the state of Alaska. Not only have these frivolous charges cost the taxpayers of Alaska millions, but Governor Palin has now incurred $500,000 in attorney's fees. Not being a rich woman, she cannot afford this stuff. Many other politicians have these defense funds, like Bill Clinton, but Governor Palin has never needed one until she dared to challenge the anointed one and the liberals flipped out.

The ethics complaints were coming so fast and furious, it did not take long to figure out that a small group of leftist bloggers were doing this to not only to break the governor financially, but to damage her reputation. These lefties readily admit they are working together.

Of course, after Alaskans spend tens of thousands of dollars paying to have each charge investigated, Governor Palin is easily cleared of any wrong doing.

So far Governor Palin is 14-0. The governor has been cleared on every single charge.
She was cleared of the latest charge the day before she left for her New York trip.

The editors at Conservatives 4 Palin got together and decided they would start a web-a-thon to help retire that debt. Bloggers all over the US will be working with C4P to help spread the word.

This is pretty simple really, watch the video I have posted on the sidebar, donate to the Alaska Fund Trust (Governor Palin's defense fund), email and just let them know how much you donated. You do not have to give any other info, no credit card numbers, no name, nada)

You might even get a handwritten thank you card from Governor Palin, I did a while ago.

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