Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Barbara's UPDATED Guide for Green Living

“Barbara Lawton should clean up her own act before lecturing others on being green,”

In light of recent reports of C.A. Lawton Company, partly owned by Lt. Governor Barbara Lawton, being forced to pay $325,000 for violations of Wisconsin pollution laws, the Republican Party of Wisconsin is offering Barb Lawton’s UPDATED Guide for Green Living. The guide currently appears on the Lt. Governor’s website.

Tip # 1) Ignore DNR rules (They’re only suggestions!)

Tip # 2) Ignore permit specifications (Those tall smoke stacks are unsightly!)

Tip # 3) Drag feet in becoming compliant.

Tip # 4) Lecture others about the importance of "being green" to protect your image from the truth.

“Barbara Lawton should clean up her own act before lecturing others on being green,” said Mark Jefferson, Executive Director of the Republican Party of Wisconsin. Lawton’s company will pay a whopping $65,000 annually through 2013 as a result of its illegal activities.
Jefferson said it will be interesting to see if the state’s environmental groups aggressively speak out on the issue or give the Democrat a pass.

“Hypocrisy like that ranks right up there with Al Gore,” Jefferson said of the vice president whose 20 room home in 2006 burned 221,000 kilowatt-hours, more than 20 times the national average.

If it weren't for double standards, Democrats would have none.

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