Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Another Tax Revolt

First California, now Illinois. Too bad this isn't happening in Wisconsin.

From the Wall Street Journal:

Taxpayer victories are rare these days, so let's cheer the good news in Illinois, where earlier this week the state House in Springfield voted 74-42 against a plan to raise the income tax rate on individuals and businesses by 50%.

When Governor Pat Quinn succeeded Rod Blagojevich in January, he immediately proposed raising the personal income tax to 4.5% from 3%, the business tax rate to 7.2% from 4.8%, and expanding the sales tax to services ranging from dry cleaners to Internet hookup. The Democrat says the income tax hike is "based on a principle as old as the Bible. Taxes should be based on the ability to pay." But voters can distinguish between rendering unto God and unto Quinn, and public dismay was so widespread that even 26 Democrats voted to kill this tax grab.

Wow! Democrats in Illinois even voted against this job killing, anti-taxpayer tax increase.

Do any of the Democrats in the Wisconsin State Assembly or Senate have the guts to stand up for the taxpayers of Wisconsin and vote against the nightmare known as the budget? We shall see ...

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