Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lose your job? Get free Viagra.

I am not kidding. Really lose your job and your health insurance, Pfizer is giving away free Viagra.

From the K-News:

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Pfizer Inc. is unveiling a new program that will let people who have lost their jobs and health insurance keep taking some widely prescribed Pfizer medications — for free, and for up to a year.

Pfizer will provide more than 70 prescription drugs — from Lipitor to Viagra — at no cost to unemployed, uninsured Americans.

People who lost jobs since Jan. 1 and have been on Pfizer drugs for three months or more are eligible.

The announcement comes amid massive job losses caused by the recession and should bring a Pfizer some goodwill, good publicity and brand loyalty.

The program, which starts today, was requested by a committee of employees concerned about newly uninsured patients struggling to buy their medicines.

See- told ya. Free Viagra. You can now keep yourself thoroughly entertained while you are laid off.

See, things are looking up. know what I mean.

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