Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Michael Steele on Arlen Specter party switch

This is a liberal blogger posting this for the Dallas Morning News, calling it sour grapes.

Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele says good riddance to Arlen Specter -- a good spin, given the options.
"Let's be honest," Steele says in a statement. "Senator Specter didn't leave the GOP based on principles of any kind. He left to further his personal political interests because he knew that he was going to lose a Republican primary due to his left-wing voting record.

"Republicans look forward to beating Sen. Specter in 2010, assuming
the Democrats don't do it first."

Pat Toomey, a very very conservative former congressman, seems to be
the current favorite for the Pennsylvania GOP nomination next year. Unclear whom
Steele is referring to as a potential Specter challenger in the primary.

Are you kidding me?

I have gotten more excited emails over Specter leaving the GOP.

This news could not be any better for the GOP.

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