Saturday, February 28, 2009

Spain, Train and Pain

Spain, Train and Pain

Brought to us by our dear governor, Jim Doyle.

Governor Doyle and his democrat minions in the Assembly and Senate dump a $1.2 billion. They passed this drivel in order to fill a budget hole they created in this year's budget.

Dear Leader governor then dumps a proposed budget with more horrifying tax increases of over $1 billion more.

Next Governor Doyle packs his backs and a bunch of government employees and heads to Spain. Of course, the taxpayers are paying for this trip. Why Spain?

Well, duh? Governor Doyle wants to see a train being built. After all, Governor Doyle expects us, the taxpayers, to fund a multi-billion project to pay for high speed rail. Oh, don't worry about the fact that we cannot afford it during the downturn in the economy! The Governor will just raise taxes to pay for it. problem.

In the meantime, announced just yesterday (as governor Doyle enjoys looking at trains in Spain that we cannot afford), those of us back in the Wisconsin barn found out that our unemployment rate jumped to a whopping 7.6%. This is slightly above the national average.

Yep- you gotta love our dear governor:

Governor Doyle is in Spain to look at a train while the rest of us are in pain!.

Thanks for nothing, Governor Doyle!

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