Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Kudos Reince!

Steele Announces RNC Transition Team
Team Will Implement Sweeping Changes; Prepare Party for Upcoming Elections

WASHINGTON – The newly elected chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), Michael Steele, today announced his transition team to review all party operations and begin preparing for this year’s elections.

Comprised of current RNC members, the transition team will help implement the sweeping changes Steele proposed during his campaign for chairman. Under Chairman Steele’s leadership, the RNC will focus on recruiting a new cadre of top-notch candidates and operatives, build new volunteer networks, and forge new working relationships with state and local parties. The team will also immediately begin preparing for the gubernatorial and local elections later this year in Virginia and New Jersey, and the special Congressional election in New York State.

“We’re going to bring this Party to every corner of the country and ask people to join us and work with us,” Chairman Steele said. “By standing on our principles – we can expand and grow. My transition team will take a fresh look at everything with an eye toward preparing to win the campaigns of the future.”

The Chairman’s transition team will be led by Reince Priebus, Chairman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, member of the RNC’s Executive Committee, and one of the young leaders who will help expand the Grand Old Party.

“Michael is committed to our conservative cause, has strong leadership skills, and the ability to connect with and energize our grassroots supporters,” Priebus said. “Our core fundamental principles remain strong and mirror those of the majority of Americans. We must improve our outreach efforts in order to grow as a Party. I look forward to continuing my partnership with him and the RNC.”

Co-Chairmen Of The Steele Transition Team Include:

Saul Anuzis is the current Chairman of the Michigan Republican Party. Anuzis founded the telecommunications firm Quick Connect USA, is a leader in the use of technology in political campaigns, and an active blogger.

Henry Barbour is the current National Committeeman from Mississippi. Barbour has served as the campaign manager for Chip Pickering and Haley Barbour, the current Governor of Mississippi and former RNC Chairman.

Pat Brady is the current National Committeeman from Illinois. He is an attorney and originally from St. Charles, IL. Brady previously worked as a federal prosecutor in California and in the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office.

Jim Greer is the current Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida. Prior to his expanded work for the Republican Party in Florida, Greer was the Acting President & CEO of Regulatory Compliance Services, Inc. and J. Greer & Associates.

Holly Hughes is the current National Committeewoman from Michigan. Hughes is a small business owner and a former Montague Area Public School Board member.

Bo Palacios is the current National Committeeman from the Northern Mariana Islands. Palacios is currently a Legislative Assistant with the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands Resident Representative.

Shawn Steel is the current National Committeeman from California. From 2001-2003, Steel served the California Republican Party as Chairman. He is also the founding director of the California chapter of the Club for Growth.

Joyce Tehres is the current National Committeewoman from Maryland. From 1989-1998, Tehres served as Chair of the Maryland Republican Party.

Bob Tiernan is the current Chairman of the Republican Party of Oregon. Tiernan is a business consultant from Lake Oswego and a former state representative.

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