Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Oh what a tangled Blago web...

Okay- now the real truth about Blago and Burris relationship is coming out.

First, even though Burris has denied a relationship with Blago, turns out Burris had a fundraiser in his home for Blago in 2006. reports that Burris -- the former Illinois attorney
general who has been appointed by Blagojevich to fill President-elect Barack
Obama's vacated U.S. Senate seat -- held a 2006 fundraiser for the
governor at his home.

Burris and his lobbying firm also donated $22,295 to Blagojevich's
campaign, according to

Second, turns out Blago's wife was hired by Burris' lobbying partner.

And Burris' longtime lobbying partner Fred Lebed is a board member of the
Christian Industrial League -- the same group that hired Blagojevich's wife

Lebed has denied having any involvement in the hiring of the governor's

Of course, denials all around of any wrong doing.

So the drama continues.

Also, Diane Feinstein has backed the seating of Burris...going against Barack Obama and Harry Reid.

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