Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Constitution supports Burris

I know there are some Dems that do not like it, even Barack Obama...but Burris needs to keep making whatever spectacle he can if he wants to be a senator.

Burris was legally appointed and I believe a court of law will back him up.

I think the longer this drags out, the more foolish Senator Reid and President elect Obama look because they will not support him. I understand that this is not the man that most Americans want to replace Obama in that seat, but we still have a US Constitution.

For the Constitutional argument, read here.

The desire of Senate Democrats, and even Obama, to keep Blagojevich from picking the new senator from Illinois is understandable -- a federal attorney arrested the governor on charges of trying to sell the appointment for personal gain. Although Burris is untainted by the scandal, any selection made by Blagojevich is suspect.

But the taint of Blagojevich's alleged crimes does not justify ignoring the Constitution.

Of course, the guy gets political and beats on Bush too, but the I believe the argument is the correct one.

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