Sunday, January 04, 2009

Another day, another Obama Democrat under the bus

Bill Richardson, the wonderful governor that had been hand picked by Obama to run the Commerce Department has resigned from Obama's cabinet.

Of course, we knew about this scandal weeks ago, but apparently the scandals around Obama are getting too hot. (See "change you can subpoena) Weeks ago, Obama was being hailed as wise beyond his years for picking Richardson.

Richardson is running away.

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson is withdrawing his nomination to be commerce secretary, citing the distraction of a federal investigation into ties to a company that has done business with his state.

Two Democratic officials told CNN the investigation involves a California company that won municipal bond business in New Mexico after contributing money to various Richardson causes.

Another Pay for Play scandal from another Democrat.

Sound familiar. I know, I know- Obama is not involved in the Blago Pay for Play scandal either!

Obama team promptly throws Richardson under the bus. You see, they were "misled" by Richardson.

This little tidbit from CNN is cute:

Two Democratic strategists outside Obama's transition team told CNN that Obama aides pushed the withdrawal because they did not want an ethical distraction in the wake of controversy surrounding embattled Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Federal prosecutors allege that Blagojevich, a Democrat, had hoped to barter Obama's Senate seat for either money or influence.

Hat tip- Hot Air.

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