Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Obama team lied about contact with Blago

I guess we know who was lying now.

The Obama team.

Less than a week ago, the Obama camp denied Emanuel ever spoke to the governor about the senate seat.

A source with the Obama camp strongly denied Emanuel spoke with the governor directly about the seat, saying Emanuel only spoke with Blagojevich once recently to say he was taking the chief of staff post.

Remember, they denied this even after the internal investigation was completed, but not yet released.

The newly released report from the hard hitting Obama internal investigation does indeed show that Rahm Emanuel did speak to Blago personally.

But we know now, Emanuel only spoke to the Governor directly once or twice. No biggie.

“Mr. Emanuel had one or two telephone calls with Gov. Blagojevich,” the report says. “Those conversations occurred between Nov. 6 and Nov. 8, 2008. Soon after he decided to accept the president-elect’s offer to serve as chief of staff in the White House, Mr. Emanuel placed a call to the governor to give him a heads up that he was taking the chief of staff’s position in the White House, and to advise him that he would be resigning his seat in the House of Representatives.

“They spoke about Mr. Emanuel’s House seat, when he would be resigning and potential candidates to replace him. He also had a brief discussion with the governor about the Senate seat and the merits of various people whom the governor might consider. Mr. Emanuel and the governor did not discuss a Cabinet position, 501c(4), a private sector position for the governor or any other personal benefit for the governor.”

Once or twice? Quite a hard hitting investigation there, huh?

Barack Obama is not even sworn in yet, and these are already lying to America.

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