Tuesday, December 23, 2008

No more excuses! I demand global warming NOW!

Last week:

Tuesday and Wednesday - 6 to 8 inches of snow depending where in Kenosha county you live

Thursday and Friday - 14 to 18 inches of snow depending where in Kenosha county you live

Saturday - 4 to 5 inches of snow. Overnight temperature plummets.

Sunday-Temp -7 with wind chills in at -40. Mountains of drifting snow.. I have seen some drifts as high as three feet in the roads.

Monday- the temp warmed up to -1 with wind chills at only -15. Still mountains of drifting snow.

Today- We have about 3 inches on the ground right now with another 3 to 5 inches coming.

Tomorrow- apparently it is supposed to start sleeting with severe ice conditions on the roads.

I have had enough. Someone call Al Gore! No more excuses! I demand global warming right now!

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