Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mary Mitchell: Sarah Palin makes me sick

It is amazing to me what some folks consider to be good public discourse.

What we are seeing here is hate filled stammering liberals in both the media and on the Obama campaign trail.

The hatred of the left and the media that espouses their hatred has reached horrifying proportions. It is almost staggering how full of hate they have become now that they realize Barack Obama may not be the next President of the US.

Mary Mitchell, Chicago Sun-Times columnist had this to say about Sarah Palin:

Sarah Palin makes me sick. I hate that she was able to steal Barack Obama's mojo just by showing up wearing rimless glasses and a skirt.

I hate that she makes Joe Biden look like John McCain and John McCain look like the maverick he is not.

I hate that Palin reminds me of Susan Sarandon's feisty character in "Thelma & Louise." I loved Sarandon in that movie, yet I couldn't stand Palin's feistiness at the Republican National Convention.

Sarah Palin makes me sick -- not because she may speak in tongues -- but because she is a fast talker.

Not even ABC's Charlie Gibson can slow Palin's mouth.

I disagree with the people who claim Gibson caught her off guard during her interview when he asked her whether she agreed with the "Bush Doctrine."

"In what respect?" Palin fired back without so much as a stutter.

In fact, it was Gibson doing the sputtering as he pressed Palin to answer a question that he didn't seem to know the answer to himself.

It irks me that Palin is being painted as some kind of "New Age Feminist" by the so-called "elite" media.

She isn't.

Palin is a fresh face on a weary campaign trail, and a jack-in-the-box in this election.

But Palin isn't running against Barack Obama. McCain is, and the media seem to have forgotten that.


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