Thursday, August 21, 2008

To all you Bush bashers...

To all you Bush bashers who insist on whining about how tortured you are by the Bush administration, get a grip on reality.

Life could be worse, you could be living in China

Police descended on a group of foreign pro-Tibet activists and some disgruntled business owners from Hong Kong on Thursday, taking both groups away minutes after they displayed protest signs in central Beijing.

The abrupt end of the separate protests—and the sentencing of six foreigners to 10 days of detention for “disrupting public order”—underscored China’s determination to prevent any disruption during the Olympics.


Earlier this week, two elderly Chinese women—Wu Dianyuan, 79, and her neighbor Wang Xiuying, 77—who applied to protest were told they would be sent to a labor camp for a year. They were still at home Thursday under the surveillance of a government-sanctioned neighborhood watch group, Wang’s son Li Xuehui said.

Li said no cause was given for the order to imprison the pair. Activists said the order was an intimidation tactic.

All these two did was APPLY to protest.

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