Wednesday, August 27, 2008

They didn't need this to happen

That kinda stinks.

Just days after announcing you vice presidential pick, an event that should give a bounce...

and right in the middle of the Democrat convention...

These are not the kind of numbers Barack Obama was needing.

McCain 46%
Obama 44%


It's official: Barack Obama has received no bounce in voter support out of his selection of Sen. Joe Biden to be his vice presidential running mate.

Gallup Poll Daily tracking from Aug. 23-25, the first three-day period falling entirely after Obama's Saturday morning vice presidential announcement, shows 46% of national registered voters backing John McCain and 44% supporting Obama, not appreciably different from the previous week's standing for both candidates. This is the first time since Obama clinched the nomination in early June, though, that McCain has held any kind of advantage over Obama in Gallup Poll Daily tracking.

Essentially the race is tied and his has been for several weeks. The vice presidential announcement normally gives the candidate a bounce.

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