Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Really? Let the people decide?

Well, well

How do you like that?

After a raucous debate in the Public Safety and Welfare on Monday night, suddenly everyone is willing to hold a referendum on the idea of banning smoking everywhere in Kenosha.

I would have preferred that we, the city aldermen, would have just done our jobs properly and given both sides of the debate a voice. Listening to the people, all of the people, is precisely what should have been done to start.

The reason I voted to defer this is because I know that the smoking side of the aisle did not get a fair chance to give their side.

Now there will be a referendum, both sides are once again on level ground.

I could not be more thrilled than I am right now. A few days ago I was worried that this would be a freight train that could not be stopped.

Well the train is stopped- now everyone gets a chance to climb on board.

Here is a current copy of the referendum.

The next battle that both sides will be conflicted on is what should be in the ordinance. Are you in favor of banning smoking at public parks or not? Are you in favor of banning smoking from restaurants? Bars? Bowling alleys?

Everything is on the table.

Over the next several weeks- the debate on the actually ordinance language will rage.

Once that is over, the debate for or against the actual ordinance will rage.

For all of those folks that did not have a chance because 9 aldermen has already made up there minds- now is your chance!

Both sides of the issue will get a chance to debate this in full view of the public.

You need to keep going to the council and committee meetings. Now is not the time to stop fighting.

See you there Monday night, August 18, 7:00pm, Municipal Building. Room 200. Any citizen is allowed to make a comment and petition their government. Sign your name on the list before the meeting starts. At the beginning on the meeting, comment on any subject are allowed for 5 minutes each citizen.

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