Saturday, August 02, 2008

Dems say: Drill there, not here

Great article by Charles Krauthammer on Dems and Drilling:

Does Pelosi imagine that with so much of America declared off-limits, the planet is less injured as drilling shifts to Kazakhstan and Venezuela and Equatorial Guinea? That Russia will be more environmentally scrupulous than we in drilling in its Arctic?

The net environmental effect of Pelosi’s no-drilling willfulness is negative. Outsourcing U.S. oil production does nothing to lessen worldwide environmental despoliation. It simply exports it to more corrupt, less efficient, more unstable parts of the world — thereby increasing net planetary damage.

Probably the best line I have read in a long time is this:

They seem blissfully unaware that the argument for their drill-there-not-here policy collapses on its own environmental terms.

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