Friday, August 22, 2008

Couldn't leave well enough alone

The Obama camp just could not leave well enough alone. Instead of just letting the media just carry his water for him on the major housing gaffe that McCain made, the campaign decided to jump in.

The moment the Obama camp jumped in; it opened the door for McCain to fight back.

Barack Obama has his own "housing" problems that had been relegated to the back pages of the Chicago newspapers. Now once again the light of day is shining on another one of his most major political problems.

Seriously, no explanation has ever been given as to why convicted felon Tony Rezko and gigantic Obama fundraiser bought the property right next door to Barack Obama. No explanation has ever been given as to the millions upon millions of dollars of political favors was passed out to Rezko by Barack Obama. No explanation has ever been given as to why Obama worked for the law firm representing Rezko.

Did the Obama campaign really need to open that can of worms?

The Obama campaign just could not leave well enough alone.

What did it take... about 15 minutes between the time the Obama camp jumped in and created an ad for the McCain campaign to come up with this response ad?????

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