Saturday, August 09, 2008

Carefully orchestrated Edwards admission

Anyone wondering whether or not the Edwards confession was carefully orchestrated by the Obama campaign and the Democrats need to read this article...

Without confirmation, the allegations were not widely reported by national media but still were damaging to Edwards. He was not being invited to speak at this month's Democratic National Convention, out of fear that the rumors could become a distraction at the carefully orchestrated gathering.

Barack Obama's campaign is preparing to announce the list of convention speakers in the coming days, and the fact that Edwards wasn't going to be included forced his hand. If he didn't tell the story first, it threatened to blow open as reporters explained why the party's last vice presidential nominee and third-place finisher in the primary was being snubbed.

Clearly the Obama camp was worried and wanted no part of John Edwards. There goes Edwards---under the bus.

No wonder Obama has such a fetish with properly inflated tires...

It is a lot easier for Obama to keep stuffing people under the bus with properly inflated tires.

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