Saturday, July 05, 2008

Obama soliciting lobbyist money

Despite the pious stance by Obama and his campaign, he is still actively courting lobbyists and their money. So much for banning lobbyist' money, huh???

Robert Novak's column:

Obama's GOP Lobbyist

The Republican lobbyist who was solicited for contributions by Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign a month ago has received a second request for money from the Democratic presidential candidate, who has banned lobbyist money from supporting his candidacy. The second try was made after no response to the first attempt. As did the first solicitation, the second letter signed by Obama asked the veteran Republican donor and fundraiser for a contribution "to change the way business is done in Washington."

The lobbyist's only contributions to Democrats have been to two powerful committee chairmen -- John Dingell (Energy and Commerce) and Charlie Rangel (Ways and Means) -- in order to open their doors to his clients. The lobbyist figures that the Obama campaign lifted his name from Dingell and/or Rangel money lists.

Perhaps the media can truthfully start reporting on the matter now that Obama has been caught more than once doing this.

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