Thursday, July 24, 2008

How tacky is Wasserman?

This garbage is getting old from Wasserman. He continues to imply that Alberta Darling is not healthy enough to do the job.

Does he think he is getting anywhere with this message.

Press release- Senator Alberta Darling

“Sheldon Wasserman issued a press release recently stating the following
lies and innuendos about me and my campaign:

My opponent likes to tell people she is ‘out knocking on doors.’ But
voters know the difference between riding in a car watching staff drop off
taxpayer-funded road maps that people did not even ask for and actually knocking on doors and talking to people.

“I take great offense to Sheldon Wasserman’s false accusation that I am not
actually knocking on voters’ doors, and his continued insinuation that I
am too sick to run for office and restricted to campaigning from a car.

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m physically fit and in
very good health despite what Sheldon Wasserman would lead people to believe. I
knock on hundreds of doors every week. My campaign helpers can all attest to
this fact, the thousands of voters’ whose doors I’ve knocked on can attest to
this fact, and even numerous Assembly candidates whom I’ve run into while doing
doors can attest to this fact.

This is beyond the pale. To imply that someone is too sick to run for office, especially when they are perfectly healthy is gross politics.

This is dirty campaigning and I am willing to bet that the people in the district will seriously punish Wasserman for this.

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