Thursday, July 03, 2008

Help our Marines

I was heartbroken reading this story in today's Kenosha News.

This just is not right.

We have some homeless Marines staying in Kenosha.

How is it possible that we treat our Veterans this way? On Independence Day, of all weekends?

I am so frustrated and angry right now over our treatment of our Veterans in kenosha, I am about ready to lash out.

Over the last couple of months I have been listening to the Kenosha Vietnam Veterans tell me about the Kenosha Parade committee's treatment of them. Last year the Parade Committee "lost" their application to be in the Parade. This year, the Committee just returned their application for entrance in the Parade unopened.

I also spoke to a Navy Veteran last weekend who ran up against so many rules and regulations from the Parade Committee demanding they have a float or they could not enter the parade.

We have treated our Veterans like garbage here in Kenosha and it just is not right.

Now we have some Marine Vets that are homeless.

Wake UP, Kenosha!

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