Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Defending Some Kenosha Democrats

I know it may seem unusual, but I am going to defend a couple of Kenosha Democrats. No, I have not lost my mind and gone liberal on you, but there are some good, kind and decent Democrats in Kenosha that I know pretty well.

Two of the candidates that have spent the last several months working their tails off to run in the democratic primary for the #64 Assembly seat, had their legs cut out from underneath them last week.

Last Monday, out of the clear blue, former congressman and 64th district assemblyman, Peter Barca, decided that he wanted to run again for his previous spot as the 64th District representative. This is a giant step backwards politically for Mr. Barca. After all, he was a congressman before Mark Neumann crushed him in 1994. Peter Barca had virtually disappeared from the limelight since then.

It certainly startled many folks in Kenosha.

I, like most, found out on Monday night, but clearly this had to have been planned before Monday of last week. Barca had his papers filed and all signatures collected within a few hours on Monday.

With this little stunt pulled by former Congressman Peter Barca against members of his own party, it makes you wonder if his ego is so gigantic that he wants to be the center of attention in Kenosha politics or if this move is just a stepping stone to something greater.

Either way, I feel for the two gentlemen, County Board Supervisor Jim Huff and Alderman Mike Orth, who have done everything they should have been doing over the last several months. To find out on the last day to file papers that you could get beat by a bigger name in Kenosha, even though that person showed no interest in running, just really is not fair.

I know what kind of hard work and sacrifice it is to campaign. It just does not seem right to me.

With Barca's name recognition, he is virtually a shoe in. Unless one of the other two candidates finds a way to run to the middle and decides to play the moderate. In that case, they may pick up the 40 % conservative votes in Kenosha and launch themselves past Barca. That will take some real magic, but it is possible.

Of course, whether or not the Democrats treat each other fairly is not my problem.

I am done feeling sorry for the Democrats now.

I have had my own problems over the last week.

I will share them with you soon.

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