Saturday, June 21, 2008

Wheatland no long part of Kenosha County

It is with a somber heart I have to relay this news readers: Wheatland is no longer part of Kenosha County.

You may ask "What? When did this happen? Why?"

I learned this interesting fact from my State Senator, Bob Wirch. Because Bob is such a wise and competent State Senator, I of course, believe everything he says, much like all the Democrat lemmings that continue to vote for him despite his dismal representation of the district.

State Senator Bob Wirch's campaign website:

I represent all of Kenosha County as well as the town and city of Burlington in Racine County.
This is a map of the 22nd Senate District:

As you can see, State Senate District 22 covers all the colored areas on the above map. Since Sen. Bob Wirch represents all of Kenosha County, Wheatland must no longer be part of Kenosha County.

I'm sorry Wheatland, the problems you have had this past year with all the flooding must have made someone in charge pretty upset.

There are a few good things to no longer living in Kenosha County, and being annexed into Walworth County.
  • You will no longer required to use reformulated gasoline
  • Your property taxes are lower
  • Walworth county sales tax is lower
  • Walworth county is approximately 99.9% Republican
  • You won't be forced to pay for the KRM
  • Walworth is a lot easier for out-of-state visitors to pronounce than Kenosha
  • Your State Senator is NOT Bob Wirch
Come to think of it, maybe I should petition Walworth to annex the town I live in.

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