Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Vote Kathy Carpenter for Alderman District #5 Kenosha

Just in case you were wondering- I am a mess today.

I have gone in to work.

No sense in sitting and worrying at home.

Thousands of pieces of literature has been dropped.

Dozens and dozens of yard signs are out.

I knocked on over 1500 doors during this election cycle.

Not much more that I can do.
I know this- I completely outworked my opponent. He has not sent out any literature, no yard signs and he has been to no forums. He does not seem to be the least bit interested in doing this job.
Still- I could lose to him because he is a 14 year incumbent.

Get out and vote.

Vote for change.

Vote for someone who will listen to your concerns.

Vote for someone who will do the work in Kenosha’s 5th district.

Vote Kathy Carpenter.

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