Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Should we feel sorry for this guy?

He molested 22 children in a 30 year period.

He served 5 years in prison.

He was institutionalized for a period of time and then deemed "at low risk for re-offending".

Now, there are no neighborhoods that want him living near their children.

Do you blame them?

With Darcy Powell facing eviction and homelessness, Kenosha Circuit Judge S. Michael Wilk adopted the Department of Health and Family Services' only alternative: send Powell to jail until a new home can be found

The Kenosha News had this to say:

Powell, 55, formerly of Silver Lake, has done nothing wrong in the more than two years he has been on supervision, according to reports. He also is monitored electronically and through a global positioning system (GPS), and is escorted to and from work each day.
So are we to feel sorry for this guy?

Society does not trust this guy. It does not matter that he has been declared a low risk to re-offend.

Would you risk your children near him?

Perhaps if this guy had truly paid his debt to society by serving the entire 43 year sentence he received, folks may be more accepting of bringing him back into society.

This is a difficult situation from all angles.

I talked to a couple of people today about this and I have yet to find anyone who feels sorry for this guy's situation. He molested 22 children, why has he been released back into society?
That is the main question being asked today.

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