Friday, April 04, 2008

It is an embarrassment

What a complete and utter embarrassment this entire Troha/Casino deal has turned our local government into.

The people of Kenosha did not deserve this mess. But a mess is exactly what our county government has become.

Last night Kenosha county residents were treated to another embarrassment by it's local government.

Kenosha News

Molinaro's criticism centered around Rose's announcement of Wisnefski's appointment, which Molinaro said should have been run by the County Board before it came out in the press. Molinaro also accused Rose of knowingly using a faulty rationale for reassigning Kehl's former office manager, a civil servant.

Molinaro said Rose announced Wisnefski's appointment to the press only after Rose learned of a plot by some supervisors to oust him from the board chairman's position.

As chairman, Rose had the legal responsibility to assume the county executive's office when Kehl's resignation took effect and to bring an interim executive appointee before the County Board.

Rose, who declined to respond to Molinaro's comments during the special meeting, acknowledged in an interview after Thursday's meeting that he was aware of a move to remove him from the chairmanship. He said he decided to come out with the Wisnefski announcement to let the board know of his intentions for the position.

Not satisfied with this embarrassment, a shouting match started again, after the meeting.

Tensions again flared briefly after Thursday's meeting, when Supervisor Jennifer Jackson shouted angrily about Molinaro's comments.

Will this nightmare ever end?

Apparently, not for a while. The investigation into Kenosha's local government and the shady dealing taking place over the casino, continues on.

The strong rumors taking place in Kenosha is that there are more local officials on the hook with this thing. Our problems may have just begun.

Worse yet, I do not think our local elected officials have yet to figure out that Kenosha is currently the butt of a lot of jokes. So these types of scenes may continue to happen.

It is an embarrassment.

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