Thursday, March 06, 2008

It just warms my heart

Obama and Clinton are beating each other up

On a series of morning television shows, Sen. Clinton claimed superior national-security experience, citing her service on the Senate Armed Services Committee and her role in her husband's administration dealing with conflicts in Northern Ireland and Kosovo. Separately, her lieutenants reiterated questions about Sen. Obama's relationship with a Chicago real-estate developer on trial for public corruption. The senator isn't implicated in the case.

For his part, Sen. Obama signaled to reporters aboard his campaign plane a newly aggressive tone. "One of the things I hope people start asking is what exactly is this foreign experience that she's claiming?" he said. "I know she talks about visiting 80 countries. It's not clear -- was she negotiating treaties or agreements, or was she handling crises during this period of time? My sense is, the answer is no.''


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