Saturday, March 29, 2008

An endorsement for the kid

In a unusual move, the Kenosha News has endorsed Carl Bryan, an 18 year old, running for school board.

Their reason?

Yet we find the need to send a message to the School Board that the voters want something different. The election of Carl Bryan, a candidate who is still in school, is the best way to send that message.

Residents of the district are frustrated by the lack of progress on so many fronts that it's hard to keep count. The graduation rate is disappointing, the test scores are disappointing, attendance isn't good, the performance gap between racial groups is frustrating and improvements, where there has been improvements, have been small.

I am seriously considering voting for the young man myself. It is time to shake things up a bit.

For years, Kenosha residents have watched insane decisions being made by the school board and still they never seem to make any progress.

In fact the biggest problem could be that with every single problem that arises in our school district, the first reaction of the board is to throw money at it.

Once that does not work, the board seems to be lost on what to do- so they just throw more money at it. Mysteriously, the problems still never seem to go away.

A fresh face is exactly what is needed on the school board. Perhaps some new fresh ideas is exactly what is needed.

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