Friday, February 29, 2008

There is a price to be paid

Elections matter.

I hope we have learned a lesson about those so-called conservative folks who stayed home and refused to get involved in the 2006 election. Republicans paid a heavy price in 2006, now those results are coming back to bite us in the tail.

Many of these same so-called real conservatives are threatening to do the same thing in November 2008.

Now those issues that "real conservatives" believe in have close to zero chance of passing in Wisconsin because we gave up control of the Wisconsin Senate to the Democrats-

If your number 1 issue is illegal immigration you will be happy to note that the Wisconsin Assembly passed a bill yesterday that would bar local governments from creating rules that would block local officials from asking about illegal immigration status.

This bill has no chance of making it through the Democrat controlled state senate.

If abortion is your number one issue, the Wisconsin Assembly finally passed a ban to partial birth abortion.

This bill has no chance of making it through the Democrat Controlled state senate.

If renewable energy is your number one issue, the Wisconsin Assembly passed a bill to lift a 25 year ban on new nuclear energy plants.

Russ Decker has promised that this bill has no chance of making it through the Democrat controlled state senate, he won't even bring it to the floor to vote.

If parental controlled education is your number one issue, the Wisconsin Assembly passed a bill that removes the caps that are throttling virtual home schools.

This bill has little chance of passing in the Democrat controlled state senate and if it does pass, the Governor will veto it.

If taxes are your number one issue, the Wisconsin Assembly passed a economic stimulus package that includes tax breaks for small business.

This bill has no chance of passing in a Democrat controlled state senate.

After reading though this entire list of issues that are so important to conservatives and knowing that they will go nowhere with the Democrats in charge, I am more resolved than ever to fight for better government.

Elections are important and sitting this one out because of parsing of words, is just not good enough.

I will give everything I have over the next eight months to ensure that Senator John McCain is our next President. I am 100% fully in the John McCain camp!

I will also give everything I have to ensure that Ben Bakke is elected to replace the Democrat Bob Wirch in our state senate.

Perhaps conservatives will learn something here. There is no such thing as perfect.

One thing is certain-

No battle is ever won, unless you are willing to fight!

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