Thursday, January 31, 2008

Unleashing the attack dogs against Scott Walker

An interesting battle is brewing over an outside group's attacks on Scott Walker.

Patrick from Badger Blogger has the inside scoop-

Todd Rongstad has formed a 501(c)(4) political education organization called “The Thomas Paine Democracy Network,” and has set it’s sights on Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker. You may not know who Todd Rongstad is, but he has quite a past in his political consulting jobs.

Currently, Tod Rongstad's group is hosting billboard ads trashing Scott Walker, called "We blame Scott Walker" An example of such billboard states "Milwaukee's mentally ill suffer deadly neglect- I blame Scott Walker".

These billboards are financed by someone. So far, nobody is fessing up.

Senator Lena Taylor, Walker's opponent, is claiming that it is not her.

These billboards are so inflammatory that they have caught the attention of the talk show hosts and now Milwaukee Journal Sentinel columnist Daniel Bice.

A billboard ad costs tens of thousands of dollars, someone is behind this.

Who is it?

Now would be a great time to find out.

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