Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The polls were wrong again

Am I the only person that has realized that the polling done in Michigan on the Republican side was wrong, very wrong?

After the Democrat debacle in New Hampshire, so many excuses were made by the pollsters. One of the biggest excuses is that polling was not done the day before or the weekend before the votes were cast.

This time, polling was done the day before and the weekend before the votes were cast.

Most of these pollsters were off by 8 to 10 points, that is a huge margin of error-

Rasmussen- Romney +1 point( off by 8 points)

Reuters/Zogby- McCain +1 point(off by 10 points)

American Research Group- McCain +1 point(off by 10 points)

Only one pollster came close and they make their home in Michigan-

Mitchell Research
- Romney +6 (off by 3 points)

Some of these guys have a margin of error at 3,4 or 5%.

This is unacceptable data from the pollsters.

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